What it means to connect

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A phone call shook Will awake from a nightmare about a man eating mushrooms that were cultivated on his own body. The clock beside his bed showed 23:49 PM. He had been asleep for less than an hour.

"Yes, Jack?" - He anwsered in a hoarse voice.

"Will! Are you at the hospital right now?!" - Jack's voice was panicked.

"No, I went home. What is it?"

"Freddie Lounds told Stammens all about you. He's planning to take Abigail!"

"W-What?! How the hell did that happen?" - Will quickly got up from the bed, putting a hand to his sweaty forehead.

"It's something about 'connecting'. You would understand better than I do."

"Oh, God. I'm on my way. How long till you get there?"

"About 10 minutes."

Will hurriedly put on some pants, grabbed a jacket and got in his car. He pressed on the gas pedal like never in his life, praying he would be there in time.


Will got there almost at the same time as Jack and the team. They got to the second floor where Abigail's room had been. A startled nurse informed them that she wasn't aware of any problems occuring surrounding Abigail. Guns in hands, they came through the door with a blast.

They were greeted with a sight of Abigail's undisturbed sleeping frame. There were no signs of a struggle, and a doctor informed them there weren't any changes in Abigail's state after examining her. Jack felt relieved, thinking that Stammens must've realized the risk was too high and he was gonna get caught.

Then he heard Will's shaky voice speak: "Eliana was here when I left." - He picked up a notebook that stood on the counter beside the bed, a big 'Traits of a Psychopath' written on it.

"And where is she now?" - Jack looked at Will with a nervous expression, hoping the answer would be something in the scope of 'she went to the bathroom'.

"I don't know." - Will responded as a bad feeling washed over him, "She was apparently planning an all-nighter. Her phone is still here. And s-she wouldn't leave Abigail's side."

They left the room immediately, going straight to the security room. They asked the guard to replay the tapes that only showed the hallways. At 23:31 PM, a man dressed as a nurse could be seen wheeling a body covered in a black bag, coming outside from Abigail's room.

"Oh, no." - Will put a hand on his head, moving it through his sweaty hair.

"AND YOU DIDN'T THINK THAT WAS WIERD?!" - Jack turned to the security guard angrily, suggesting that he didn't do his job of looking at cameras properly.
The security guard just stood there from the shock. "Forget it. Show me the garage footage." - Jack continued.

Stammens was seen wheeling Eliana through the hallway all the way to the garage, where he put her in an ambulance car, driving off beyond the camera's reach.

"Why did he change targets?" - Will wondered, "She must've said something... that made him change his mind."

"She was trying to protect Abigail." - Jack observed.

"They couldn't have gotten far. He isn't gonna kill her instantly, he's gonna try connecting. We have time." - Will tried calming himself down.

"We'll look into him more, try finding places he could hide. I'll put an APB on the stolen ambulance. He's in a hurry, lost control, I don't think he'll get far. But, Will... He just shot a police officer. He could be unpredictable."

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