Part 7

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Magnus felt as if the floor beneath him was shaking so much so that he had to sit down on the floor before he would fall over, so he did exactly that. He sat on the Persian rug and tried to understand what exactly was going on.

Everyone had their eyes on Jace's parabatai rune, but from the corner of their eyes, Max and Rafe saw that their papa was going to collapse. So, they quickly held into Magnus's arms as he let himself fall. Max and Rafe kneeled next to Magnus and exchanged a glance.

"Papa?" Max and Rafe sounded very worried. Any other time, Magnus would have dropped everything to assure his two sons that he is okay, and they will be okay, and he will protect them from the world but, now Magnus was far too gone to be able to assure his sons he was okay.

What felt like an eternity of quietness, Kira finally opened her mouth. "What does that mean?" Kira finally asked.

"I have never seen anything like this." She added.

"Neither have I." Jace finally said. Jace walked to Magnus, who was breathing heavily as he stared at the rug beneath him.

"Magnus? Do you know what this means?" Jace kneeled in front of Magnus. Magnus looked up and looked into Jaces eyes.

"I don't." Magnus said as he shook his head.

"I really don't know." Magnus repeated.

"Can... um... can you feel him?" Ethan asked from Jace this time.

"Slightly. Not like how I used to..." Jace gulped.

"Not like how I used to feel Alec... I feel a slight pull from the rune, but it feels more like a tattoo than it is a rune."

"Interesting." Kira is big into research, and this sounded extremely fascinating to her.

"I think we need to look into some materials and Magnus..." Kira sat next to Magnus.

"I need your help. Do you think we can ask Tessa for help?" Kira put her hand on Magnus's shoulder and tried to calm him down by slightly patting on his shoulder. This is something Magnus used to do whenever Kira had a hard time when she was new in Alicante Institute. Kira was struggling to find her place in a new place when she first transferred to Alicante Institute. She struggled with the language, culture, people, and so on. When Magnus first met Kira, she was so close to having a mental breakdown in the training room, and Magnus quickly knew what to do. He helped her with her breathing, and his healing magic made her heart rate go down to a healthy level. Ever since then, whenever Kira felt she was close to breaking down, she would go to Magnus, and like a father, Magnus always helped her without a single complaint. Now, it was her time to pay back.

Magnus looked at Kiras dark brown, which can easily be mistaken for black colour eyes.

"Yes, I will send a fire message to her."

"Great." Kira smiled.

"We need to investigate why the rune feels like a tattoo. I think I know where I need to go to find information." Rafe said this time.

"Silent brothers?" Jace asked.

"Yeah." Rafe nodded.

"Shall we get going now?" Jace was impatient.

"Yes, we should. We need to get to the bottom of this."

"Ethan and I will stay with Papa. We will look into any information we can find." Max offered and looked at his partner. Ethan smiled softly at Max and nodded to show that he agreed with Max's idea.

"And I will let everyone know about this." Kira meant Izzy, Clary, and Simon.

"Then, I will head to the library and check all of our archives." Kira got up from the floor, and Magnus followed her. Max and Rafe stayed by Magnus in case he needed any help.

"I will inform Catarina and head of the vampire clans. I think we are not looking for a Shadowhunter." Ethan finally said what everyone was thinking but didn't want to say out loud.

"I agree." Magnus looked at Ethan.

"I think we need to look out for someone with a tattoo of a parabatai rune." Magnus added. Magnus's eyes were shining with hopes, and it's look that everyone had missed on Magnus for two decades. Jace missed that look on his brother in laws face and he knew damn well that he was going to find his brother even if he had to raise hell and heaven. Heaven seemed to have given them a second chance, and he was not going to waste it. Magnus looked at Jace as he almost knew what Jace was thinking. Jace met Magnus's eyes with a soft smile. Magnus smiled back, still bit scared to jinx anything with false hopes, but after two decades, a man can do nothing but only hope for the best.

Jace embraced Magnus into a tight hug.

"We will find him, Magnus. I promise on my life that we will find him, and I will bring him to you."

"I know you will, Jace. I trust you." Magnus knew Jace meant every single word, and Magnus knew if he could trust anyone to bring his Alexander back, that would be Jace.


"What is wrong with him now?" Jessy, red hair vampire, asked from the Asian guy who was observing the new raven hair guy who joined their clan a few weeks ago.

"Honestly? I have no idea. He either stared into a wall or train till his knuckles bleed. There is no in-between." Hwang replied.

"Have you tried talking to him today?" Jessy asked again.

"So, I can get slammed into the wall again? No, thank you!" Hwang got up from the seat he was sitting at. Hwang and Jessy were asked to keep an eye on the recruit of the Texas vampire clan.

They found an unconscious guy in front of their quarters a few weeks ago, and it was clear he had been almost drained out of all his blood by a vampire and was left to die. Since the leader of the Texas clan wanted to find out which vampire almost broke the accords, he decided to turn the raven hair guy into vampire. He could care less about the raven hair guy getting a second chance at life. The leader, George, expected that raven hair guy would talk as soon as he was reborn, but boy, was he wrong. It has been a few weeks, and the raven hair guy was yet to speak a word. They were coming to the conclusion that maybe this fella is mute. All they knew was that the guy was going through something, and he was really good at fighting. His sharp precision and his skills in hand combats made him a good addition to the clan. He made sure to earn his food, but he was not interested in talking or getting to know anyone from the clan.

Last week, Hwang by a mistake tapped the fella on his back and raven hair guy turned around and slammed Hwang into the wall so hard that Hwang had to stay in bed for two days, even though he is a vampire. That's how everyone got to know that the fella hated anyone touching him, and so they made sure to give his personal space.

One thing, all of them agreed, was that he was extremely attractive. His 6'3 "tall lean and muscular body, hazel eyes, stubble that covered half of his face, and raven hair made him attract a lot of interest from the vampires in the clan. But all the interest towards him was met with ice cold eyes even a vampire would shiver under.

"Oi! Tall man? Eat something before you collapse." Jessy shouted at the raven hair guy but made sure she had enough space between them. Raven hair guy who was staring at the wall in front of him, turned back and looked at Jessy. Even though Jessy wasn't too fond of the fella or the job she was given, she had to agree that guy was extremely attractive. He was attractive enough that even a lesbian like her would take a double look.

Raven guy gave a slight nod to her before he got up and went out of the room.

"What do you think happened? He seemed like he was heartbroken. Do you think maybe he was dumped by his lady, and then a roaming vampire attacked him?" Hwang looked at Jessy, who now sat on the chair Hwang was sitting on earlier.

"Could be, but I don't think that was a lady. My gaydar is telling me that he is into fellas." Jessy got a packet of blood from her pocket and ripped the tip off with her canine teeth.

"A lot of people are going to be disappointed." Hwang smiled.

"You dont seem to be disappointed." Jessy smiled cheekily at Hwang.

"Hey, you can't blame a vampire for enjoying some eye candy now, can you?" Hwang didn't hide the fact that he found the raven hair fella extremely attractive. Jessy just shrugged her shoulders and went back to enjoying her well needed meal.

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