Part 8

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Warning!!!!! Child Abuse!! Drug usage!!

The character in this chapter refers to himself as A. Sorry if the chapter gets a bit confusing.

'A' stared into the ceiling above his bed. He has been a vampire close to a month now, and he is yet to talk to anyone in the clan. Everyone thought he is mute, but he didn't feel the need to correct them. Throughout his 20-year life, he had hardly talked to anyone. Not even to his drug addicted mother or the abusing stepfather. The world has been so cruel to him that he didn't feel the need to entertain any of them.

He remembers when he was just 6 years old, one afternoon he was extremely hungry, and he could not remember the last time he had any food. This was not something new to 'A'. So, he slowly came out of the closet, he had been hiding the whole afternoon waiting till his mother Ava, and stepfather Marcus fell asleep. He tip-toed across the room and slowly peaked out of the door to see if anyone was up but normally around this time Ava and Marcus normally would be in their own world after consuming the drug dosage for the day. 'A' slowly went out of the room and carefully went to the kitchen to see if he could find anything to eat. He managed to find one stale bread slice in a bag. 'A' quickly took out the bread slice and was going to put it on his mouth when he realised it smelt weird. 'A' looked at the bread slice closely, and it had some greenish blue spots on the corners. As a 6-year-old who didn't have any adult around him to tell what is safe to consume and what is not safe to consume, he didn't know it was mould and he should not really eat it. He scrunched his nose and didn't really want to eat the stale bread slice, but the grumble in the stomach said otherwise. So, he picked the blue parts and only ate the normal looking bread part.

It was not enough. 'A' needed more food. Anything at all. He had never been a picky eater, especially for a kid in that age. He looked around the kitchen some more. The fridge, cupboards he could reach, the kitchen counters which were covered in some dried leaves he didn't know, and some halves cut straws, some dirty looking syringes and a lot of empty plastic bags. He saw nothing he could eat. 'A' stood in the middle of the kitchen as he rubbed his stomach. He was so hungry that he could feel tears drop pooling in his eyes. He was used to the feeling; he was used to feeling hopeless and discarded, but it didn't lessen the pain anymore. Especially because he always knew there was someone on this earth that was waiting for him to return. 'A' didn't know who that was, but he just knew he had someone waiting for him.

His stomach rumble brought him back to real time. There was one more place in the kitchen he might be able to find some food. Marcus's food cupboard, which always had snacks. 'A' bit his lip as he didn’t know he wanted to take that risk because Marcus's cupboard was off limit to him. Any other time he would have ignored that cupboard but today, he was so hungry that he actually felt a bit dizzy. 'A' finally decided. He would take something small out of Marcuss cupboard. Just something small that Marcus would not miss so much.

'A' tip toed to the living room to see if Ava and Marcus were up. Thankfully, both of them looked so out of it. Ava had her eyes half closed, and her eye lids were fluttering. This used to scare 'A', but not anymore. Marcus was sleeping on a sofa bed, and he was rumbling in his sleep. 'A' realised it would be okay for him to go through Marcuss food cupboard. 'A' tip toed back to the kitchen. He got up on the only stool in the kitchen and then the kitchen counter. Once he got on the kitchen counter, the food cupboard was within his reach. 'A' was about to open the cupboard when he felt as he got pushed by a force he couldn't see. He knew what was happening but didn't stop him from getting scared a bit. Especially when he was two feet away from the floor, and if he falls down, he is more likely to get hurt really bad. 'A' quickly grabbed into one of the cupboard doors as he felt another rush of dizziness. Unfortunately, he had to hold into the cupboard with mugs and glasses. Quick jerk reaction to the cupboard made one of the glasses fall down and shutter with the loudest sound 'A' has ever heard. 'A' observed the glass pieces on the floor with a bitten lip. He was scared. He was scared for his life; he was scared that he was going to get discovered by his parents and then get beaten up. He was used to getting beaten up, but that didn't stop him from flinching. 'A' felt his heartbeat quickened up when he heard a rustle sound from the living room.

They are up. 'A' thought as a shiver went down his body. He held his breath as a poor attempt at trying to keep quiet, hoping whoever woke up would go to sleep. He didn't realise he could try and get down before anyone came to the kitchen, but his dizziness, hunger, and fear made him glued to the spot.

The rustle sound in the living room made his suspicious right. Marcus was up. Marcus's low hanging trousers always made rustle sound whenever he walked in the house, and what felt like an eternity Marcus came into the kitchen. Marcus's not so focused eyes looked at 'A' who liked a scared squirrel on the counter and then looked down at the shattered glass on the floor. After a few seconds, Marcus looked back at 'A', and his eyes were raging with fire.

"You fucking bastard!" Marcus growled.

"You rat. You were trying to steal, weren't you? You fucking bastard." Marcus look long strides towards 'A' and before A knew, Marcus was dragging him down the counter from his shirt.

" I am so sorry. I was so hungry." A sob escaped A's mouth.

"dad? Huh! You wish you fucking bastard. Who knows where that whore got knocked up from." Marcus started laughing viciously. Marcus's evil laughter made 'A' shiver so badly.

"I am sorry.. I am sorry. I won't do it again." 'A' tried one more time to apologise but his voice got cut off by a sharp slap across his cheek. 'A' gasped and looked at his stepfather. His eyes were stinging as he could taste iron his mouth. He knew he was bleeding as he could feel blood pooling in his mouth.

"Glaring huh? Like you slut mother. Look down, you bastard." Marcus screamed at 'A' but 'A' didnt flinch this time. He didn't deserve to be beaten up just because he wanted some food. So he glared at the adult man in front of him more intensely.

"LOOK DOWN YOU BASTRAD!" Marcus slapped 'A' again. 'A' could feel that his wound inside his cheek got open wider with the second slap.

"Not only you are sucking up my money and now you are glaring at me? Let me teach you a fucking lesson today." Marcus quickly unbuckled his belt took it in his left arm. 'A' knew it was Marcus's most favourite weapon to teach 'A' lessons. 'A' still had beaten marks all over his body from just few days ago.

Marcus lift up the belt to hit 'A' and 'A' tightly closed his eyes so he would not cry. He got beaten up more last time when he cried. The sharp pain across his back made him flinch and close his eyes more tightly. He bit his lip to stop a whimper from escaping his mouth. Another sharp pain across his back landed precisely on his already healing wound from another time. 'A' groaned as the pain was more intense than last time.

'A' didnt know how many times he got beaten up, but his dizziness and hunger almost dulled the pain. After Marcus was content with the beating he left 'A' on the kitchen floor, next to the shattered glasses. 'A' heaved as he tried his best to beath normally, but every breath brought pain all over his small body. He whimpered as he tried his best to keep his eyes open, but he was tired. Tired of his sad pathetic life, tried of been hungry all the time, tired of getting beaten up every day, tired of living. Before he knew he closed his eyes, and he was in a beautiful dreamworld where people loved him. Where a man with beautiful cat eyes loved him.

"Alexander." The beautiful man with cat eyes called him. 'A' looked at the man and he was smiling at 'A' oh so lovingly, and A felt so safe. So safe and so loved.

After few hours from the incident, A opened his eyes. The pain in his body hasnt gone away. He felt dried tear drops on his cheeks. He could still feel blood in his mouth, and he was pretty sure he was bleeding in his back as well. He was still starving, and he was still lightheaded, but he knew one thing. One thing for sure. He had to get away. He had to get away from this hell and he had to run away. He could live by himself and that would be much better than getting beaten up every day and if he cannot, he could go to the hospital or police. He knew where those are. He knew he had to get away and not a single pain in his body prevented him from doing exactly that.

'A' groaned softly as he got up from the spot he was lying and tried his best not to step on the broken glasses. He didnt have anything to collect. All his cloths were hand downs, and his shoes were all open and hardly did the job shoes supposed to do. He had no money or anything valuable he could use. All he had was his determination to get away from the hell and the memory of a man with beautiful golden cat eyes. So, he left. He dragged his body out of the hell house and never looked back.

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