6. The wrath and the resolution

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The air around Helena seemed to be denser than usual, making it hard to breathe. The cold pressure, caused by heavy amounts of released mana, was pushing her down and back. She needed to greatly focus in order to not stray away from this overwhelming force.

Nozel was a few meters away from her. He had his classic hairstyle, with the pointy ends at the upper back of his head and a braid hanging over his nose. However this time the tips of the part of his hair that was usually down, were levitating. They were lifted up by the power he was releasing. His brows were furrowed. Cold, lilac, eyes narrowed and lips put in a thin line. A stern and angry look on his face, reinforced by his sharp features. He resembled an eagle during a hunt. Nozel wore his usual white and blue outfit, with golden sandals and a Silver Eagle mantle and cape.

"I asked" his voice cut the atmosphere like a whip. "What is the meaning of this?"

His arms were down, palms tense. He stood straight up and was clearly looking down at Helena. She would not allow that.

Helena started releasing her own dark red, cutting edge mana. She dusted off her clothes and looked him in the eyes. They were cold, deep, such a beautiful color, she could get lost in them. Perfectly drawing the irises and the shape of his lids, would have been hard even for her. However now was not the time for art. Helena was furious with his behaviour towards her, but she tried to keep a cool head.

"It was just a sparing," she said. "Nils-san was kind enough to practice with me."

"I could see that," Nozel answered sternly. "I meant what are you doing here, foreigner?"

She quickly looked around. The knights had their heads low and were overwhelmed by their captain's presence. Even Nebra and Solid, his own flesh and blood, were squirming and backed away uneasily. She would not find help in either of them.

"I am getting to know the country, in which I am a guest," her tone was calm and she accentuated the last word. "I also don't appreciate you calling me a foreigner. You make it sound like an insult" Helena said, when she approached him. Now they were only about three tens of centimetres away. She crossed her arms on her chest, powering up her mana release.

"Leave," he said. Their eyes focused on each other in a duel of willpower. "You may be a guest at my house, but I will not tolerate you undermining my authority in front of my squad."

Helena's eyes opened widely. He was right, she realised. That was what she was doing. She just intended to stick it to him personally, and not to cause a scene within the Silver Eagles. However he insulted her with them as witnesses. She thought on how could she end this situation maturely, while proving that she did not let him burden her. She decided it would be best to listen to him.

"I will do as you say," she admitted with her head high. "However I am tired of hearing your insults and will not stand by idly, when you utter them."

She withstood his stern gaze.

"Good," Nozel said collectedly. His face was serious. He looked over her arm and took a step in that direction. He passed her side, his cape millimetres away from touching her. Helena looked after him. She was amazed by how he simply managed to end and walk away from a confrontation like this. He got what he wanted and left.

The yard was quiet until Nozel went up the stairs to the main building's entrance and disappeared inside.

Nebra and Solid came up to her. Worried looks on their faces.

"That was rough," Solid commented. They probably knew first hand how cold and terrifying their brother could be.

"You're bleeding Helena," Nebra squirmed.

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