19. The interrogation

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Kiten, a town at the border between Clover and Diamond was attacked by the Diamond Kingdom's Shining Generals and its army. Helena, a princess of Diamond, is called in for an interrogation by the Chairman of the Magical Parliament Damnatio Kira.

Spoilers for episodes 52 and 53


Hi everyone I hope that you had lovely holidays.
I did and I'm happily announcing, that I'm going back to posting once a week, every Friday.

More notes at the end of the chapter.

Helena was pacing nervously through Nozel's office, going back and forth on the blue carpet, from the door to the wooden desk. She would not stop tugging on the dark chocolate strands of her hair. The empty white walls made her feel so small and the curtains were only slightly ajar, so it was quite dim. Except for Nozel's silver office chair, he added another one for a possible guest. He had listened to her advice and got the simple wooden seat with a flat backrest.

He was standing by the desk slightly leaning against it. Nozel had his arms folded over his chest. The expression on his face was serious and his eyes were closed. After they left the dining hall, he had put on the Silver Eagle's mantle and his blue cape. They made him look even more solemn.

"Would you sit down?" Nozel asked sharply. Her nervous habits were probably irritating him.

"Oh yeah, let me take a seat," Helena growled making her hands into fists only to throw them up in the air. "Then all of my problems will be solved."

"No," he said calmly, "but at least you'll stop giving me a headache with all your prancing."

She abruptly turned and walked over to him.

"Cáspita! (Goodness sake)" Helena shouted. "So now I'm also accused of being the cause of your migraine," she pointed her finger at him and tapped his chest. He looked down at her. The sharp lines of his eagle like, silver hairstyle made him look even more irritated.

"Once again no, but you're being hysterical," the lilac eyes pierced through her.

"Excuse me for having emotions," she groaned annoyed. "Unlike someone."

He furrowed his brows and she saw his features tense at that comment. Nozel took a deep breath and looked her in the eyes. He reached his arms towards her and put them on her shoulders keeping her standing in one place.

"That's enough, Helena," he sighed. His voice was much more quiet and calm. It affected her and she felt herself relax a bit a the spots that he held her.

She looked at her feet with a guilty expression.

"I'm sorry," Helena apologised.

"It's fine," he lifted her chin and looked at her fondly. "Can we talk now?"

"Yes," she pouted. "However I don't want to sit in that chair."

"I got it just for you," his hand moved to her cheek and she pressed her face to the touch. It felt soothing.

"Can I sit in yours?" She looked up at him and raised her eyebrows.

He nodded and then pulled his hand back. It did not feel good to loose that sensation. He made her some space, so that she could walk around his desk. Helena sat down on the silver chair. The cushions were much firmer than she had anticipated, but somehow she nestled herself quite comfortably. Nozel followed her and this time he leaned back against the other side of the desk than earlier, so that he would be facing her. He looked at her, awaiting for her to speak. His beautiful, lilac irises reflected the dim light.

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