Page Eight : Hearts Desires...

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My mind was slowly processing the info that my Intel sent to me...someone whom I would have trusted with my life was going behind my back and doing something I completely despise...tracking Izuku was something that I could long as no harm was coming to him then I could look passed It while slowly letting the situation and him go.

Finding out his home address was where I drew the line with that ass of an employee of mines...I've warned Kirishima that if he went behind my back in any way then I was going to deal with him personally...I didn't think that he was actually going to do anything that cause me to go crazy...but when I got the email about him breaking into Izuku's and his Alpha's apartment...all rational thinking went out of the window.


I dealt with him and Kaminari as soon as I landed in South Korea, Seoul...I never planned on coming here honestly...I wanted to give Izuku the freedom he deserved from me and all the bullshit that stuck to me...but those idiots forced my damn hand...and then to top It off...the damn reporters and news crewmen got wind of my and the others arrival so I'm sure It was aired live in TV.


When I got a whiff of his potent scent I told myself to turn away and leave him be...screaming within my mind to not ruin It for the man I love and am still in love with...I want nothing but happiness for him...but I couldn't help It when our eyes met...I swallowed as much of my own saliva as possible while trying not to run towards him and to wrap him within my arms.

I inhaled quietly while heading in his direction "...Hello Izuku...listen I'm not here to cause you or your Alpha any trouble...I just came to apologize for what happened...I had no acknowledgment of what Kirishima and Kaminari were going to do...I did however know about them tracking you...I told them to leave you be..." His beautiful features changed several times while he listened to me speak.

His eyebrows furrowed together as he stood deep in thought...I watched as his small hands moved to his rounding belly...I felt my Inner Alpha whine softly at the fact that he was carrying for someone else other then me...I wanted to ask about who sired his pup...but I knew that It wasn't my place "...I told them more then once to leave you alone...I don't know why they felt like what they were doing was right..." I put my head down and stepped back.

I nodded once before turning to leave "...My Alpha?...What are you talking about Kacchan?" I turned around with a raised brow...I saw the confusion in his soft emerald eyes...his tiny canines were softly pressed into his bottom lip "...listen...It's none of my business...I just came here to tell you that I handled those idiots and that they won't be bothering you anymore" I said as I pushed my hands deep inside of my jeans pockets.

He formed his adorable plump lips into a small frown...his hands on his lower instincts were yelling for me to step closer to help support him while he stubbornly stood on his swollen feet...I pushed the happy chirp down that threatened to rush out of my mouth...I had to remind myself that he isn't with me and that the pup he's carrying belongs to him and his Alpha.


A few minutes went by before he sighed softly...I looked up when he slowly moved towards heart was hammering loudly within my chest as I fought the urge to pull him closer once he stopped "...First of all...I don't have an Alpha...and Second...I knew about your friends breaking into my apartment...I have It on my security cams...I brought a more sufficient security system after I watched as Eijiro invaded my nest...he put a shirt he'd worn inside of It...the smell turned my stomach" he scruched up his nose with distaste while rubbing his stomach softly.

The only thing that registered in my brain was the fact that he didn't have an Alpha "...But what about the female Alpha that your always guys seem close..." He smiled while shaking his head...his cute messy curls bounced about before he looked up at me "...Jess is my friend...yes she has asked me several times if she could court me but...I just wasn't...ready for that yet" he said with his head down.

I felt my face heat up as his big adorable eyes flashed giddily while he smiled up at heart swelled as I thought about how I haven't seen him smile like that in a long time "Oh...I just...assumed that...but then...what about the pup?" I asked while moving my eyes to his center...he blushed heavily before turning his face to the side "...I was...I was expecting before I came here..." He whispered...successfully catching me off guard.

I stood still...I was to stunned to speak as I processed what he'd just said "...I didn't tell anyone before I left...I wanted you to be the first to know...but after what I saw...I didn't think It mattered anymore...I was planning to raise my young here...away from the city..." He spoke with his head down once again.

I blinked a few times before I got the nerve to speak brain was working over time while I tried to put the pieces together "...You left like what...six or seven months ago right?" He nodded his head slowly before looking up at me with those eyes that I've always been captivated by "...I wanted to tell you...that morning when I came home from my trip...I went to see my doctor...that's when I found out..." he took a deep breath before looking up at me completely.

I didn't move nor did I speak '...I have a...a pup...' I thought as I listened to him "...I got an email from a old friend...saying that you had just checked into their hotel...and that you weren't alone...and know the rest" he stepped back a bit before leaning onto his vehicle...I subconsciously reached my hand out...but I had to catch myself before my hand reached him.

He had his eyes closed as he took calming breaths before opening them...our eyes met once again...I could smell his sweet scent surrounding me...lulling me slowly " is your mate anyway...I assumed she'd be with you..." that snapped me out of my trance...I looked at him before sighing "...She's not my mate...when the commissioner knew of our situation...he made It his first priority to deal with her...he didn't stop me from being a hero but he made It hard for me rise within the ranking...I deserved It..." I pulled my scarf down to reveal my blank scent glands.

He leaned in a bit before looking at me with wide eyes...I smiled softly before rubbing my sensitive area "...He found a way to void our unwanted claim...It was painful...but worth It...I never meant to claim her..." I confessed while moving my eyes back to him...I could see the obvious blush on his rosy cheeks...causing my own cheeks to become inflamed.



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