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Best friends. Two words to accurately describe the relationship ship between the two ravenous haired Korean men: Park Jimin & Jeon Jungkook. The two young adults met in the starting year of middle school and have been together ever since. They've done everything together. They've stayed over at each other's houses, shared breakfasts and dinners, holidays, secrets and problems; shared everything in between the lines of a shower and a dormitory.

The two freshly adult men are inseparable. They are brothers, not by blood but by choice.

So you can guess Jimin's surprise when his best friend of almost a decade decides to come out as gay randomly on a Monday afternoon, and asks him to do something no brother should ask of another.

"I am not going to have sex with you"

A phrase Jimin never would've guessed would ever have to come out of his mouth towards his best friend. He was still trying to process the whole situation at hand.

"But I need your help!", Jungkook pestered as if he was asking for the simplest favor, when in all actuality he was asking his own friend, who he had considered family, to have sex with him.

And Jimin seems to be the only one who understands the unethical concept behind it.

"What the fuck — Jungkook hear yourself right now. You are asking me to have sexual intercourse with you.", Jimin said as the other stared at him dumbfounded, not understanding the issue at hand. "Whereas we - two males - are going to be...", Jimin trailed off with a shiver running throughout his body. The idea alone was too much for the man to handle.

"Look, it'll be a one time thing. I just need your help to understand how it all works", Jungkook began to reason, trying his best to convince his friend to agree to what he sees as a simple act.

"There are three things wrong with what you're asking of me", Jimin stated as he adjusted himself on his bed and stared up at Jungkook who stood above him anxiously. "We're both men and that's gay. Secondly, I'm not gay and I thought you weren't gay either until a few minutes ago. And lastly, we're friends and friends don't have sex with one another!"

"Best friends do", Jungkook corrected and Jimin was seconds away from punching him square in the jaw.

Why wasn't Jungkook understanding where Jimin was coming from? What was so hard to grasp? Why did his friend want to fuck him so bad? He's never acted this way before and it terrified him. Best friends don't fuck each other, especially two friends of the same gender.

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