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Jimin did feel much regret for what he had said the other day when he acknowledged that Jungkook was avoiding his presence. He'd barely come by the dormitory unless it was to sleep for the upcoming day. It was as if the taller made sure to avoid being in the room when Jimin was in there and to say it hurt would be an understatement.

Jimin thinks he should be the one avoiding the other after what he was just told. He's the one that feels uncomfortable and on edge now, so why is he the one being ignored? Sure, he said some pretty fucked up things to his so called best friend, but it was all true. He didn't tell a lie. Jungkook was indeed a faggot, someone who is going to regret the turn of events in his life.

Jimin doesn't know what precisely happened in order for Jungkook to cross over to the dark side, but he wishes he would see the light again.

Jimin hadn't mean to hurt his feelings the way he did, he also didn't mean to exclude him in such a negative manner. He would never purposefully hurt Jungkook because he loves him, he does even though his words spoke otherwise.

He's just confused at how Jungkook could suddenly switch up on him and plant this information on him like nothing. This was a huge deal to Jimin. He was even asked to have sex with the taller. He realized that Jungkook could've been screwing around with him and he just didn't find the joke humorous.

Why would he? Guy on guy action was utterly loathsome and nowhere near funny.

Jimin still shuddered at the thought of even allowing another man lay a hand on him even if that person is his best friend. Or ex-best friend. He doesn't know for sure what him and Jungkook are. They haven't actually uttered a single word to each other for the past four and a half days.

Today was Saturday, which meant date night for Jungkook and Jimin felt uneasy knowing that information. He wanted to go find Jungkook and strap him to bed and chain the doors. He doesn't want him to go out on the date tonight. He loathed the thought of Jungkook being in an intimate relationship with another man.

What went wrong? Is the question than ran through Jimin's mental. Him and Jungkook were the golden boys of their time in high school. Two girls on Jimin's arm and one on Jungkook's. They would talk about their time with women all the time - mainly Jimin doing the talking, but sometimes Jungkook would contribute too.

Jungkook hadn't shown a sign of homosexuality until recently.

He pondered why it had to be his best friend that had to be gay, why couldn't it be someone else he wasn't so close to, that his parents weren't so close to either.

If Jimin's parents find out that Jungkook is an official homosexual then they're both screwed. Jimin's family doesn't mess around with those a part of that gay ass community Jimin sometimes hears about. His family taught him that being gay is a nay - a no go. He can never let them find out, they would disown Jungkook and he would be left with no one.

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