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The sound of exhaust and punches could be heard as the two ravenous men worked out in the first floor gym room. Jimin was the one punching, practicing his technique as Jungkook huffed in exhaustion trying to hold the nearly hundred pound, black heavy bag in place.

Jungkook was used to assisting Jimin during his workouts and vice versa, it was a weekly routine for them, yet something seemed off about his friend at the moment. His hits seemed rougher than usual and it was clear on the shorter's face that he was exerting himself more today.

It must be because of yesterday, Jungkook concluded and frowned at the memory of last night. Things are slightly fogged from the intoxication. The main thing he remembers is the kiss him and Jimin shared, given that he was more sobered up by then - and of course, his unforgettable cowardice towards his date but he much rather not keep the memory of that part of the night.

He recalled the first kiss, the kiss that created goosebumps all over his body. It's still wild to think that a simple lip touch with his best friend gave him that strong of a feeling he's never experienced with any other person before. Then he thought to their second kiss. Oh the second time around was even more...

Jungkook could feel himself getting aroused at the mere thought of the make out session he had with his best friend. He's had plenty of make outs before, most of them unwilling to an extent, and they never made him excited. Most likely because all of them were women. With Jimin it was euphoric. The way Jimin's smaller hands tugged at the dark roots of the taller's hair, which in return had him voice such lewd sounds, sent Jungkook shivers.

He would do anything to feel him pressed up against the smaller with their tongues in the same position. It was the warmth from Jimin's mouth and his body that Jungkook felt radiate through him.

"Hold it still", Jimin scowled, pausing his rough workout to glare at his friend for interrupting his rhythm.

Jungkook gulped, snapping out of his thoughts as he mouthed a quick apology. He gripped the heavy weight bag harder to keep in place and stared at the smaller, watching him box. He saw through Jimin's dark fringe that his eyes were lost of emotion, indicating that his mind was elsewhere.

'Is he thinking about last night too?'

The ravenettes' have not shared a single word about what happened last night. After Jungkook was punched and Jimin had ran to the bathroom, Jungkook had assumed he went too far and managed to set the smaller off. He hadn't seen Jimin leave the bathroom until he woke up the next morning and saw him sprawled out on his bed.

They both didn't utter a single word to one another until now and Jungkook could sense the tension around them. He wants to address it and have the air cleared up.

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