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"So... how did the date go?", Jimin asked with pure curiosity, wondering what could've happened for his friend to drive home in a drunken state.

Anyone who knows Jungkook, such as Jimin his best friend knows that it takes a lot for the adult to act out irresponsibly. Usually, it's Jimin who's the one attempting to drive home drunk without a license. The date must've went to shit for this to happen.

Jungkook groaned, throwing his head into his hands. He did not want to talk about the date. It's embarrassing to even think about. He much rather not relive it.

"C'mon I'm all ears. Spill", Jimin smirked as he sat more on Jungkook's bed.

Jungkook shook his head, refusing to open up about this. The date might have to be the one thing Jimin can't know, it's too distressing to discuss. He knows the shorter will most definitely make fun of him for it 'til no end and he wasn't ready for that.

Did Jimin care though? No, not at all. When he wants to know something he will get it out of the person one way or another and Jungkook was more than aware of that. Respecting boundaries wasn't Jimin's strong suit.

The last time Jungkook tried to keep a secret from his friend he almost ended up with a dislocated arm. Jimin tackled him, wrestled the taller until he confessed. That was the first and last time Jungkook kept a secret from his best friend. The secret was short lived.

"Don't be a lil' bitch, tell me", Jimin demanded, grabbing ahold of the hands covering the taller's face, moving them aside.

A prolonged, exaggerated sigh escaped Jungkook's lips. He knows well enough that keeping his lips sealed will get him nowhere. As said before, Jimin will get the info out of him one way or another and Jimin's go to was violence.

Jungkook has been hurt enough emotionally tonight, he would much rather avoid being physically too.

"I got ditched", Jungkook frowned with his words still slurred from him still being intoxicated.

Jimin's brows furrowed and he got up from the bed to get his friend a bottle of water from their mini fridge.

"I need to beat his ass?", Jimin asked casually, situating himself back down on the mattress, handing over the cold water bottle.

Jungkook smiled at Jimin's protective nature. He knows Jimin's question was not a joke. The shorter will actually beat Taehyung's ass if seen by him. No further questions asked either.

Outspoken, hotheaded and aggressive. Three words needed to describe Jimin as a person. Jimin has always been someone who is protective over those he loves and cares about, especially when it came to Jungkook. Jimin sees Jungkook as part of his family so there for he will do anything to keep him from harms way.

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