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He already wants to go home.

Why does he let Jimin persuade him so easily? He should've negotiated a deal of some sort before agreeing to have some sort of benefit out of this. He regrets how casually Jimin got to him with just one look. But can you blame him? His best friend is one charming human being. At most times Jimin is quite aggressive and crude, so Jungkook can't help but fall for the soft side. A side only shown around him and that still barely happens, even if it's used to manipulate.

Jungkook's ears rang at the harsh bass of the music as his eyes wandered through the shaken house. He made sure to keep his eyes locked on the shorter in order not to lose him too much in the crowd. He's been monitoring Jimin for the past two hours, watching carefully at how intoxicated he becomes and what is given to him.

Jungkook has trust issues when it comes to parties. He's heard too many horror stories about what goes down during them and refuses to let that happen to his friend.

Even when Jimin couldn't have a care in the world about what may happen to himself. He loves the thrill of not being consciously aware of anything around him. He understands that it's extremely dangerous especially in a space full of strangers but it just excites him more.

Jimin danced with little to no conscience as he rubbed himself against this busty woman. She was the student's type to the tee: pale, small and petite with a nice rack. He can't wait to get it on with her.

As she rubbed herself against his lower region, she could feel something hard rub against her ass. She smirked to herself and got the hint the unnamed taller was trying insinuate.

Jimin watched with clouded vision as the girl swiftly turned around to face him, wrapping her arms around his neck, pulling him down to match her height.

"Let's go upstairs", she uttered seductively, taking the opportunity to nip on Jimin's ear, which sent instinctive shivers down his spine.

Jimin didn't hesitate to nod, eager to get a good, quick fuck in by the end of the night. The need to get it in was overwhelming his dick with pure exhilaration. He was already envisioning his own release as the girl trembles with pleasure underneath him.

The ravenette was lead up the stairs and with the help of his peripheral vision he saw Jungkook zoning off in the corner of the room with a singular drink in his hand. 'What a pussy', Jimin thought to himself, wanting his friend to man up and let loose. This is his problem, he refuses to open himself up anywhere and wonders why he's going to quote 'die a virgin'.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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