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"You're moping", Jimin pointed out for the hundredth time today and Jungkook was on the verge of losing his shit.

"I'm not"

Jungkook was moping and Jimin was more than tired of it himself. The tall ravenette has been dragging his feet behind him for the past few days, causing Jimin to worry. He hasn't been acting the way he usually does and it's all because the boy believes he's going to quote, 'Die a virgin', it's all because he fucked up a couple dates with the guy he likes so damn much.

It was pissing Jimin off.

"Yes you are. It's depressing my fucking mood"

"Shut the hell up"

Jimin contemplated on what he should do to cheer the student up. He can't stand another day of the younger's constant whining and crying about the same damn issue in the middle of night to where they both don't get enough sleep. If he was so worried about dying a virgin then go fuck somebody already - anybody.

Jimin was so close to bringing home a hooker to solve the problem. He seriously contemplated the idea, but knew that Jungkook would shut it down.

"Hey, Min", a voice whispered from behind the two ravenette's, catching Jimin's attention.

Jimin twisted his body around in his seat, turning his back to his professor who spoke about physics. His eyes landed on a concerned gaze and a dimpled smile. Kim Namjoon, one of Jimin's closest friends other than Jungkook. The two met in the beginning of college due to a partnership on an assignment and have hung out every so often.

Jimin considered Namjoon an alright guy. He was nice when needed and not too shy, nor brash in anyway. He got along well with Jungkook when they would talk amongst each other and that's what Jimin liked the most about being around him. He could easily get along with best friend. Not a lot of people have that capability since the taller ravenette is more on the reserved side.

Jimin cocked a brow, questioning why he was called.

"What's wrong with Kook? He seems a little off recently", Namjoon asked, sincerely feeling concern for his friend. He noted a recent change in attitude with him.

"No bitches syndrome", Jimin remarked and saw Namjoon instantly frown at his response.

"I'm serious"

"I am too"

Jimin was indeed serious with his answer. It's the honest truth, Jungkook is suffering from lack of sexual desire, there's no way around that fact.

"I don't know what to do man. He's been moping around all day because of some... person he liked", Jimin said, choosing his words carefully in order not to out his best friend.

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