Chapter 4: Sinister Sisters

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???: This is Agent J, along with my partner Agent R, and this is my private log, part 66. We've located the fugitive on the planet Earth, most likely hiding among the population. As this is one of the galaxy's more dangerous criminals, we'll be sending the Centauri attack drones ahead, and only when exhausted should we attempt to arrest her. Agent J, over and out.

A black and blue figure stepped away from the computer they were using, and walked over to a small row of pods, each one housing a pink device. They pressed the button on one tube, causing it to launch the drone down towards earth. Shortly after, the being who referred to themselves as Agent J sat by a smaller figure, this one wearing a black spacesuit.

Agent J: You think it'll be easy?

Agent R: I would not be so sure, Tameraneons are known for their strength.

Agent J: Let's just hope we don't run into nobody else, I heard a bunch of alien immigrants have been moving here, with all the chaos going on.

Agent R: They shouldn't be a bother, but let's be sure to keep our weapons at the ready...

--Jump City Carnival--

Fireworks went off in the night sky, lighting up the darkened docks for brief moments as the many fair goers enjoyed the rides and games. Our heroes were no different, and while three were off somewhere else, many on the ferris wheel were somewhat surprised to find Omni-Boy and Starfire joining along with them. The two young Titans were along the top portion as the latter gazed in wonderment at the fireworks.

 The two young Titans were along the top portion as the latter gazed in wonderment at the fireworks

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Starfire: Beautiful...what are they called again?

Omni-Boy: Those? They're called fireworks.

Starfire: We have similar explosives on my planet, but we use them to signal Gordanian invasions. Are you certain the Earth is not under attack?

Omni-Boy: (Chuckles) Oh no, no! Earthlings use 'em for holidays and celebrations, nothing bad like that. Besides, we took care of those guys a long time ago. (He holds out a cone of cotton candy.) Here, want some?

Starfire: Mm, the last I tried a ball of cotton, it did not taste very good...

Omni-Boy: This isn't like wool, people eat it here all the time, watch.

Devan pulls his mask just above his mouth to tear off a piece and demonstrate to Starfire, who follows suit a few moments after.

Starfire: Mmmm... (A yelp of surprise.) It has vanished!

Omni-Boy: Hehehe, yeah, it does that..

After the brief exchange, they notice the fireworks display was now reaching its climax, redoubling in its intensity. Devan sat back and just...took in the moment. Things have been somewhat chaotic now that he became a full-time hero, so being able to do things like this was a great change of pace. But here, with Starfire, it gave him a strange feeling, something he never thought he'd feel for anyone really. It was difficult for him to describe, but he felt happy, like nothing could go wrong, like everything was at peace.

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