Chapter 12: Nothing to Fear...?

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(As this was made before the previous chapter, all future chapters will have these specific initials in order to show the time between the new chapters from now on.)

B.T.: Before "Terra"

A.T.: After "Terra"

This current chapter is B.T.


The night sky is filled with dark storm clouds and flashes of lightning. On this particular night, at a particular video store in Jump City; a crowd of panicking customers bursts out and breaks for cover. Inside, a clerk screams and backs across the floor. A large, animated television with many long, sparking appendages rears up before her, causing her to stumble down, whimpering in fear.

It brings two of the cable ends together, striking an arc, and leans toward the imperiled young woman; she cries out and shields her face

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It brings two of the cable ends together, striking an arc, and leans toward the imperiled young woman; she cries out and shields her face. The press of a button can be heard, and it stops the big screen in its tracks, wipes out the static, leaving it with a blank expression. The remote's user, standing atop the shelves near a wall of video screens, now makes himself known...if you couldn't see him already. Judging by his outfit, his gear, and his ego...yep, this is the tech villain known as Control Freak.

yep, this is the tech villain known as Control Freak

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Control Freak: Okay. Either you admit that Warp Trek Five, which reunited the entire original cast of the classic TV series, deserved to be on your "Favorite Rentals" list, or...

He aims the device toward the television monster; it comes back to life. The clerk scuttles back toward the candy counter.

Clerk: Please! I-I don't even know what Warp Trek is!

Control Freak: And that, my little tribble, is why you must be destroyed...!

Another button pressed; the screen roars, strikes sparks from two cables, and reaches toward her. She screams and dives over the counter to get out of striking range. Before it can get to her, though, a sonic cannon blast drives it off to one side. Control Freak covers his face as dust flies back from the area of its collision with the far wall. He looks up with a gasp; cutting his eyes to inside the entrance, where the Titans have arrived on the scene.

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