Chapter 22: Terminated (2/2)

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"...My name is Terra, and I have done horrible things."

A towering image of Slade, wreathed in flames, fades into view behind her.

"I serve a dark master."

He raises one hand.

"I have obeyed his every command, and committed crimes in his name."

It becomes a fist.

A lick of fire washes across the screen. When it clears, the view has shifted to a street in Jump City. Ranks of commando robots march along under the glow of sunset.

For a city with millions of civilians, the streets were unearthly silent, meaning either everyone is hiding in their homes from the android army, or they simply gave up on being rescued, and evacuated

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For a city with millions of civilians, the streets were unearthly silent, meaning either everyone is hiding in their homes from the android army, or they simply gave up on being rescued, and evacuated.

Behind the commandos, more robots, matching the design of the secondary black-and-red ones that Inspector 13 uses, but with orange and gray armor, are on the march.

Both groups of robots can be seen advancing in a single body through the misty street, and are soon joined by Terra, apprentice of Slade Wilson, aka, Deathstroke the Terminator

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Both groups of robots can be seen advancing in a single body through the misty street, and are soon joined by Terra, apprentice of Slade Wilson, aka, Deathstroke the Terminator.

"I have betrayed and attacked everyone who used to be my friend."


"And one by one...I have killed the Teen Titans."

On the end of this, her hands glow threateningly, raising her above the Jump City streets, and the very few stragglers immediately got the hint and abandoned their hiding places, running off into the gray mist.

"And with no one left to stop me..."

There is a loud rumbling, followed by geysers of mud and stone dust; wrecked cars are now strewn about in the fog.

"...I have brought an entire city to its knees."

Slade's robots continue their unstoppable march, emerging from the dusty haze to approach the coast.

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