Chapter 21: Terminated (1/2)

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We enter the scene through a stained-glass window, such as might be found in a cathedral, however the current occupants were anything but men of the cloth. Orange-tinted sunlight shines through the panes into the dim chamber; a collapsed jumble of steel beams betrays the fact that this place, wherever it is, has not been used in quite some time.

Slade stands at a row of windows and turns to address the individual behind him. Since his throw down with Beast Boy, he has had a chance to replace his mask and armor.

Slade: You know, I must admit to you. I have had doubts in the past. Took more risks than even I'm comfortable with.

Our old friend Terra stood at another window. Seen in profile from the waist up, she stands with head bowed and eyes closed. The black and yellow-orange outfit she sported since her last outing with the Titans has been replaced by a very different rig: a steel breastplate and shoulder/elbow pads, a layer of cloth wrappings under the armor to cover her entire body, a black codpiece, and a metal hair clip above the left ear. This particular clip seemed to be more high-tech version of the "prototype" that subtly controlled her.

Slade: But all that is behind us now, isn't it?

She opens her eyes and lifts her face, which was as blank as a sheet of paper in terms of emotion.

Terra: Yes.

Slade: You belong to me now...(He narrows his eye.) Don't you?

Terra: I do.

He begins to circle around the armored teen as he continues.

Slade: From this day forward, will you serve me, and me only?

She turns her head slowly to look at him over her shoulder.

Terra: I will.

She raises her hands, now clad in thick steel gloves like his.

Slade: Will you obey my every command?

She steps forth.

Terra: I will.

Slade: Will you fight at my side forever?

He holds out one hand, palm up, and she stares into it. In his possession he has a disc marked with his S insignia. She gives him an expressionless look, takes the item, and holds it over her breastplate.

Terra: I will...

She fixes the magnetic icon in place.

Slade: And, finally...will you destroy the Teen Titans?

He looks searchingly at her. That one eye peers directly into her face, looking to see if there is still any residual resistance in her mind...


Terra: I thought you'd never ask.

(Beep, beep!)

With a familiar sound, Terra's mouth curved up into a cruel smile. She then turns to her side, as she notices the blue mechanical canine approaching her. Once it it close enough, she stretches out a hand and pets the beast, which reacts like it was her family dog.

Slade: Now, my friends. The time has come...

"After tonight, the Teen Titans will be no more, than a bad memory..."



We arrive on a street in Jump City during the day. A vehicle motors down the block; it is seen to be the T-Car. Inside, Morgan rides shotgun next to Cyborg.

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