Chapter 3: Deep Dive

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--Jump City Bay--

It began one stormy night. A small freighter rode the choppy waves, and its cargo on deck was at risk of rolling off. Two men rushed to fix the tarp, but noticed one of the barrels slipping through and almost going into the water, but it was caught on the railing to their relief.

"Watch it, boys!", said the captain over the loudspeaker. "Just one container of that toxic junk falls in the Bay, and we'll all be deep in it!"

Lightning strikes nearby as the men where still struggling to get the waste squared away. Out of nowhere, an explosion occured from around the corner of the wheelhouse, followed by the walls and windows blowing out. When the dust clears, we look inside the ruined structure; the captain is sprawled on his back, at the feet of the intruder.

 When the dust clears, we look inside the ruined structure; the captain is sprawled on his back, at the feet of the intruder

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Captain: Wh-Who are you, WHAT are you!?

???: Excellence... Perfection... But, you may know me as Trident!

The creature who identified as Trident held in front of the poor old man the weapon of the same name, and he was gone in a flash of light. He rushed outside, and his crew spotted the beast somewhere in the bay.

Crewman: It's everywhere!

A large metal clamp emerged from the water and attached to the boat, and suddenly they felt a strong force influence it.

Captain: Forget about the waste, abandon ship! Abandon ship!!

They all did so, heading towards the life raft and tossing in into the bay before entering it themselves. The last they see of their vessel is Trident, perched triumphantly atop the prow. His weapon points down as they drop below the surface, ship and all. Utterly flabbergasted seafarers, they spent their journey home trying to figure out how they lost their ship, and a huge consignment of radioactive leftovers in one fell swoop. What was the creature they were harassed by, and what was it planning?


Buttons were pressed, switches were flipped, and five small screens flashed to life.

Devan: Nav systems are all green...

Starfire: Oxygen tanks at maximum.

Raven: Defensive systems active.

Cyborg: Twin-turbo hydrojet engine purring like a kitten!

Beast Boy: (Lounges in his chair.) And your secret weapon is ready to rock!

Cyborg: Only time you qualify as a secret weapon is after eating a tofu bean burrito!

Beast Boy: Uh, 'scuse me, bud. Can you breathe underwater? Uh-uh! Can you be any fish in the sea?

Cyborg: ......Uh-uh.

Beast Boy: Didn't think so, hehehe!

Devan: Hey B, you don't have to rub it in, it's just that you're the only other person we can depend on this mission.

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