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Nick's POV 

I take Charlie out of his car seat putting him in his stroller  well trying "Charlie ,sit down !" He's kicking his legs about so I can't get him in the stroller. I notice he was able to pull his paci off of his overalls.

"Charlie " I sternly say "Nu!" I sigh letting go of him whilst he sulks and sits on his padded bum in the middle of a car park "fine then , that's a time out for when we get home " he whines and throws himself onto the concrete floor.

"I'll wait" I lean against my car keeping hold of the stroller at the same time still watching Charlie and his tantrum, people must think I'm a bad cg but they can try and deal with one of his outbursts.the car parks starting to get busy so I decided to take matters into my own hands "Charlie I've had enough" I lift him from under the arms and manage to get him in the stroller somehow.

I see a car park up next to us "hey Nick " Tara emerges from the car and I can hear sobbing from the back seat "hey , what's up with her?" She rolls her eyes "what's wrong with him?" "Stroller !" "Ice cream !" We both say In sync then laugh.

Darcy's POV:

I want ice cream! I'm not going anywhere until I get my ice cream. "Darcy get out now, I've had enough with your tantrums today " I just stare at her wiping my face with my sleeve "out!" She raises her voice a bit and I huff and climb out my booster seat , I look over to see Charlie pouting and kicking his feet about "Charlie!" Nick says sternly.

We walk to the front of the garden centre to wait for everyone else , Tara looks at me and I plonk myself on the concrete "Darcy!" I give her the death stare as she grabs my arms "we will be back in a few minutes nick" I see Nick nod and Tara takes me to the bathroom.

She sits me on the change table and starts the lecture.

Nick's POV:

"NICK!" I see Elle running to me with Tao walking casually behind her,"hey Elle " she brings me into a tight squeeze and then turns to Charlie "hi Charlie " . "Tao " "Nicholas " we stare at each other before laughing, we get along quite well now it's still not the best but we're improving.

I hear Charlie giggling because Elle is tickling him, "so how are you?" Tao looks at the floor and sighs "I got tested again " I look at him confused "the classification test" oh , I nod "so?" He clears his throat before speaking "I'm definitely a switch but not to little space" he looks at me for a second " middle space " I was kinda shocked "well Tao if you're happy I'm happy for you " he slightly smiles before saying 'thanks'.

Tara and Darcy come out from the toilet hand in hand while Darcy is wiping her face ,"she won't talk to me now, but you lot can try" Tara says letting go of Darcy's hand "Issac!?" Darcy questions  "he will be here soon , with Sahar " elle says taking her hand away from Charlie's mouth making him whine.

We wait a few minutes before two figures run up to us "ISAAC!" Darcy runs into him wrapping her arms around his waist "hi Darcy, how are you " he say's trying to hide his laugh "hello beautiful people " Sahar says before looking over at Charlie and cooing over him . We all head inside "where to first ?" Tara asks and we all decide to make a plan.


Elles POV 

We walk down the aisle with all the home wear while Darcy is holding onto Sahar and Isaacs hand and not talking to Tara who is beside me, Tao and nick are talking to each other .I hear a low  whine and look down at Charlie in his stroller "hey what's up Charlie?" He looks at me and makes grabby hands "Nick can I ?" He nods and goes back to his conversation.

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