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"HE DID WHAT?!", i shouted at Elodia with big eyes but started immediately to smile, because i knew the problem too well from myself. The spanish girl nodded wildly up and down. "He is... ugh! He is too overprotective Fleur! I mean, i'm just a year younger than him and he's acting like i'm... i don't know! Like i'm five or six years younger. If it would be the same between Fabs and you i could understand that, because twins are closer, at least the most of them, but Marc is just a year older!"

Elodia ran her hand through her hair desperately so that a curl had fallen into her face, which she immediately brushed back behind her ear. I looked at the older girl and understood her problem. Her older brother Marc was really overprotective when it came to her.

I didn't knew why but i also didn't asked why he was. The only thing i knew this weekend, was that it was a bit harder for Fabio then usually. He didn't qualified into Qualifying 2 and needed to go through Qualifying 1, what he also managed to do but in the end he ended up on P11, right before Franky, his teammate.

For Elodias older Brother the weekend looked a bit better. He would start from the first row, even when it was ‚just' from the third place. Her younger brother Álex struggled a lot with the Honda and will just start from the eighteenth place.

But from Pole Jorge will start. Last year he had an incredible Rookie year and also got the Rookie of the year title. In his second race he immediately got Pole and then three more times. But he also won in his first year of the premier class, just like Marc and Brad back then, and stood few times on the podium.

Suddenly someone put a hand on my shoulder and instantly I turned my head round, just to look at my brothers face who had a smirk on his lips. I rolled my eyes and took a deep breath. Fabio started to laugh a bit. „Sorry", he mumbled and squeezed softly my arm.

Critical, i looked at my brother with narrowed eyes. „What do you want?" Fabio raised defensively his arms in the air and just laughed. "I swear I don't want anything!" Unconvinced, I looked at him and gave him a 'Are-you-serious?' look. „Come on, man! You're making it sound like I'm only like this when I need something from you and not otherwise!", my twin rolled his eyes and hold back some laugher. „Because it is like that!"

Fabio looked at me playfully hurt. „Ouch, that was hard and you know exactly that it's not like that." I tried to punch him into his side but he jumped before i had away, that i just hit the air. He shook his head in mock shock. "Now there's already an assassination attempt by your own sister." I rolled my eyes and turned me back to Elodia but she was already away.

I groaned in annoyance and turned back to my brother, who just grinned at me. "Don't grin so stupidly," I muttered, annoyed, and Fabio just laughed. „What happened to you that you're so annoyed?" Skilfully i ignored him and turned away from him to look for my best friend. I mean, she couldn't have gone far, as me and Fabio hadn't really spoken for long.

„I asked you something." my brother asked me, following my steps. I sighed and stopped, but that turned out to be a bad idea because my twin brother ran straight into me and banged into my back. This caused me to slam forwards and, unfortunately for me, Jorge Martin was running in front of us, so I hit his arm with full force.

The Spaniard looked at me in confusion and I immediately felt my face turn bright red. "Oh God, sorry!" I stuttered and looked angrily at Fabio, who had lost a little of the colour in his face. Jorge just waved me off and laughed. "It's all right, it wasn't your fault."

After the Pramac Rider walked away from us I looked at Fabio. "Are you serious?", i asked my brother and he tried to hold back his laugh, which, however, did not work properly. I looked at him emotionlessly and just shook my head. The day couldn't get any worse.

When I woke up this morning, I would have liked to close my eyes immediately. Well, I did, but my sleep was interrupted by a stressed Fabio as he knocked frantically on my door, which ended with him taking the spare card I gave him and storming into my room with the words. "You do realise that we have to leave in less than 8 minutes, right?"

I had probably never changed so quickly in my life. Apart from the morning I had forgotten that my plane was leaving, which I had subsequently missed by two minutes. Luckily for me, my brother had thought of food and had pressed a toast into my hand. Without thinking twice, I grabbed my make-up bag as I had no problem putting my make-up on in the car. Perhaps this was because I had overslept often enough in my life.

But when I looked in the small mirror in Fabio's car, I just let myself fall backwards because my hair looked totally awful and I had forgotten to wash it in the evening. My brother, who had been watching me from the side, tried to pull himself together not to laugh as he knew it would only make the situation just even more worse.

After a few minutes, I pulled myself together and tried at least to do my make-up, which worked more or less well until I had to draw the little line with the eyeliner. "I wouldn't do it here," Fabio had even advised me, but I was already in the middle of drawing it when it happened as it had to and my brother stopped the car abruptly because the traffic lights had turned red and I naturally slipped off.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, as I would have loved to just scream at that moment. But then just mumbled a quiet 'You're right, I shouldn't be doing this here' to Fabio.


𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞
i don't really like the chapter but okay and btw the next chapter is from charles side and in a few chapters they will meet🤗

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