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Nervously i walked up and down the room. Today was Tuesday but this weekend would be the Monaco Grand Prix. My Home Grand Prix.

"Charles STOP! You are stressing you AND me!", Pierre shouted after a few minutes in which I just walked around quietly. "I'm sorry.", i mumbled and let me fall on the couch. With closed eyes i leaned my head against the wall and sighed.

"It can't be more worse then the other years.", my best friend said and immediately i looked at him with big eyes. "Take your words back. NOW." Pierre looked at me surprised but then whispered something like 'i'm taking my words back'.

"Oh and by the way, Fleur will be here.", he suddenly said and i looked at him with an 'who-will-be-here?' look. "Fabio's twin-sister.", the AlphaTauri driver explained and rolles his eyes. "What do you mean with 'Fabio has an twin-sister'?" I didn't understand anything anymore.

"I mean that the MotoGP World Champion from 2021 has a twin-sister and she'll be here as well.", Pierre said with a smirk on his lips ans i just looked at him confused. He then asked me suddenly: "Do you remember last year?" I noded slowly, not understanding what the frenchman wanted to say me with that.

He groaned in annoyance and let his head fall back, taking a deep breath before looking at me again. "She was last year here with her brother and you even brought her away. You don't even know how hard it was to explain Fabio that you stole his sister." Pierre shook his head at the memory and slowly i understood what he meant. So that girl was Fleur?

As if Pierre could read my thoughts he laughed and noded. "Yes the girl was she. And no, i cannot read your thoughts." With narrowed eyes i looked at my best friend. "Don't feel like that", i whispered more to myself and stared again at the ground. "Did she asked you or you her?"

The AlphaTauri driver leaned himself into the couch as well. "I asked her, but actually Alina begged me to invite her.", he laughed and i chuckled also.

The dutch girl was the younger sister from Max and loved the sport with her whole heart and drove also kart when she was younger. She did it into the italian and german Formula Four, where she finished in both second. Actually she should had started in Formula Three, because she had a contract with Prema, but a crash almost in the end of her FRECA season ruined her career.

It was the third race at the Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya when she lost the car, while she lead the race. She crashed into the wall. It was the same weekend when Anthoine crashed and i still remembered Pierres reaction but also the reaction from her older brother when he read about her crash.

That race was her last. Even though the consequences of the crash were not so dramatic, the trauma was deep inside her and when she tried to get back into the car, she had a panic attack as all the memories of the crash came flooding back. I still remembered that she called that day Max crying and told him how she felt, and i think i never saw the dutchman so desperate like i did it that day.

Today she is writing books. She has had problems with her back since the crash, but the girl always tried not to show it. Max told me about all that and how hard it was for Alina to recover from all of that.

"So they are friends?", i asked Pierre interested when i tried to push the thoughts about the younger Verstappen into the back from my head. My best friend shrugged the shoulders. "I guess so, but i'm not sure. But Flo will watch Free Practice, Quali and the Race from the AlphaTauri garage."



liked by pierregasly, fabioquartararo20, charles_leclerc and 17

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liked by pierregasly, fabioquartararo20, charles_leclerc and 17.917 others

fleurquartararo bonjour monte-carlo🫶🏻

view all 190 comments

fabioquartaro20 you are such a cheater
-> pierregasly i invented her and she said yes, so no🤗
-> elodiamarquez EXACTLY FABS SHE IS
-> fleurquartararo i am NOT
-> arthur_leclerc no she's not, she's a mental supporter
-> fleurquartararo replied to arthur_leclerc exactly

pierregasly professional persuader💪🏻
-> fleurquartararo 🙄🙄

marcmarquez93 elo is missing you and is saying that you are a cheater (aka fabio is missing his sister)
-> fabioquartararo20 thats a lie
-> fleurquartararo replied to fabioquartararo20 we both know it's the truth

user1 who are you supporting?👀
-> fleurquartararo @pierregasly for sure, otherwise fabio would kill me
-> elodiamarquez replied to fleurquartararo poor nando, carlos and charles
-> pierregasly replied to fleurquartararo well we know who also


-> fleurquartararo MY BROTHER IS MISSING YOU LINA (me also)

authors note
long social media part lol sorry (maybe not) and btw i don't like the chapter (is there actually a chapter that i like? i don't think so) it's just that i cannot write the story like i have it my head😭
what the hell was that race yesterday or better to say the FORMATION LAP and racestart and the last lap😭 BRO LIKE WHAT DO YOU MEAN WITH CHARLES CRASHES IN FORMATION LAP? bro did a pedro acosta in australia this year💀 (well at least he could end the race💀) and then k-mag and alex crashing?😭 RED FLAG AND BOTH AUSSIES RE START OUT PIT LANE?😭 perez vs alonso in last lap?😭 Australia 2.0 lol (both have a personal problem with charles)

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