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„What?!", an annoyed voice shouted from the room, after i knocked on the door, making both me and Arthur flinch because it was unexpected. "Worse than I thought," I heard the Ferrari driver's younger brother mutter and I gave him a 'shut-up' look. He raised his arms defensively and just pointed to the door and I took a deep breath before sighing softly and closed my eyes.

"Wha-" he couldn't finish the sentence because I answered the question he had asked earlier. "Can we go in? So Arthur and I?", I asked in a soft voice, looking down at the floor and I prepared myself for the older Monegasque to shout again.

"Who is 'I'?" I heard his surprised but curious voice and Arthur looked at me with at least as much surprise as his brother had sounded. "That was unexpected," he mumbled, but grinned at me. "Fleur", the Formula 3 driver answered for me and I punched him in the side and hissed 'I can talk for myself'.

He just held his side and laughed, but the next moment the door actually opened and Charles stuck his head out. His hair was all tousled and his cheeks were slightly flushed. He looked at me with interest and I noticed his slightly glazed eyes, but didn't speak to him about it. At least not right now.

I felt Arthur's gaze switch between me and Charles and how he grinned slightly. "Charles," the Monegasque introduced himself and shook my hand while trying to smile slightly, which didn't work very well. I smiled gently and shook it, not missing his firm grip. "Fleur, as Arthur had already said."

He let the door fall into the lock as he walked out completely and leant against the wall with his left shoulder. The ferrari driver was still looking at me and I was nervously playing with the bracelet that my brother had given me and that he also had.

"Is this the second race you've been to? Beside last year?" he asked me, looking at me with his green eyes. Although, they weren't actually green. They were more emerald with hints of blue and brown. His hair was a little tousled, but that's what made it so... beautiful, I would even say.

His dimples were hard to recognise because he wasn't smiling at the moment. I quickly shook my head to get away from these thoughts. What had I just been thinking? "Erm no... I have been in a few more races, but mainly with Mercedes because of all the Petronas stuff," I laughed softly and rolled my eyes playfully.

Charles laughed quietly too and I had to look at him for a moment. Now you could see his dimples so incredibly well. Arthur nudged me with one hand and raised his eyebrows. Annoyed, I looked at the younger man, who had to hold back his laughter.

"Well, but you have the opportunity," he chuckled, still a little amused, but I could only nod. I was actually lucky to have such an opportunity and to be able to take advantage of it.

"Will you be going to any other races this season?" he asked with genuine interest and I laughed slightly. "Yes, quite a few actually." I looked down at the ground as I blushed a little. Why did that just happen?!

"Which ones?" he asked, but you could hear a grin on his face. "Silverstone, Austria, France of course, Monza and the last two. But probably the Netherlands too, if I know Alina. She doesn't care if I have to leave my brother alone," I chuckled slightly and looked up to Charles.

Suddenly Arthur put his hand on my shoulder. He gave me a short kiss on the cheek. "It was nice to meet you, but I really have to go. See you around!" And with that he left me and Charles standing alone. We both looked after him in amazement.

"So... That means I'll see you around?" he asked after a few seconds of silence and I answered his question with a nod and could have sworn his smile widened for a moment.

"But another thing, Charles." It felt weird to say his name, but at the same time somehow so special too. "Don't blame yourself for what happened, okay? And before you ask how I realised it, Fabio often blames himself in races where the bike just doesn't perform as it should and you can practically transfer it to here," I smiled wryly at him.

The Ferrari driver looked at me speechlessly. He clearly hadn't expected me to say that now. He wanted to say something and opened his mouth, but couldn't get a word out. I just grinned at him because he suddenly didn't seem as confident as he usually did.

Slowly, I leant towards him and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, as I did with everyone special to me. "See you soon." I quickly turned around and left the garage, slowly realising what I had just done.

Had I seriously just kissed him? Even if it was 'just' on the cheek?!


I was just about to run to Pierre when Charles came towards me. Luckily for me, he was focussed enough to sign the cap for one of his fans, but when he raised his eyes again, they met mine and without thinking twice I disappeared into the crowd, but I could still see Charles trying to follow me.

I breathed a sigh of relief when I realised that he was being held up by journalists. I didn't want to explain to him why I had done it and that made me incredibly nervous. "You look like you've seen a ghost," laughed Pierre, pulling me into a quick hug. "Nah, it's all good. There are just too many people."

A lie. A big lie.

authors note
ITS RACEWEEK (for MotoGP) AND I'M SO HAPPY. i'm literally praying since days for pedro, that he can win the championship this weekend 🤭
AND ITS THE FIRST TIME THAT I LIKE A CHAPTER!! (well, more or less but still)

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