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You were no stranger to pain. But the things the man in blue made you feel would have been considered a violation of the Geneva Convention.

He was so fast that you could barely managed to get close enough to land a blow. Sweat was already dripping from your temples as you jumped a step back to avoid his fist.

Wildly your eyes wandered through the air, not only to spot his attacks before they struck, but also because there was the second man.

"Don't you think that's a bit unfair?", you threw into the room as a kunai on a rope hit the wall above your head. "You wouldn't kill someone unarmed, would you?"

In reply, a knife made of ice struck right next to your ear.

"Ah, a man of no shits given, I see.", you grinned and reached out to land a blow that struck him directly in the face.

Growling, the man stumbled back. Blood oozed from between the fabric of his mask.

In any other situation, the sight would have satisfied you. But your knuckles hurt like hell as if they had been shattered into a thousand splinters by his chin.

Besides, you had no time to celebrate.

As soon as the man in blue retreated into the background, the one in yellow took his place. And he was no less intimidating, just as tall and trained. And there was his weapon.

You watched the sickle swinging back and forth on its rope while the man watched you just as warily as you watched him.

"I'm really not the fairest fighter, but come on, man.", you gave him a crooked grin. "Knives and magic? Talkin' about doing too much."

"A good fighter can overcome any hurdle.", his voice was also deep but lacked harshness.

He sounded more like the light side of a coin while the other man symbolised the dark. Yet, they were very similar.

Just how brothers were supposed to be.

"Fuuuuuck...", you sucked in a deep breath and straightened your shoulders. "Bring it on! My feet are starting to hurt."

"If you so wish.", without warning he swung his weapon at you.

Frightened, you forgot to set one foot after another and dug instead of rolling away. The blade pierced a piece of pottery behind you, shattering it into pieces.

A shattering sound filled the room, followed by metal hitting the ground, then skittering as he tried to get it back into his hand.

It was in that split second that you realised that he might have had a weapon but also a disadvantage through it. He needed to time to regain control of it.

And in those short moments you were able to break through his protection. Even if it was a risk. You had to take it.

"All or nothing, baby!", you gasped as you rushed towards him.

Surprise lit up in those dark brown eyes of his as he realised just how close you had gotten within the split of a second.

You reached out, wrapping your hands around his collar and pulled him down, right into your fist. You could feel how his jaw clenched as you pushed up with your free hand and brought him down with one precise uppercut.

Growling in pain, he squeezed his eyes shut and fell back, letting go of the rope with which he controlled his kunai.

Without thinking, you grabbed it and rushed past him, right at the man in blue. He had watched from afar, his thick eyebrows drawn together, wrinkles covering his forehead.

A victorious grin appeared on your face.

You swung the sickle with light hands, the hum of the blade cutting through the air in your ears. A rush of adrenaline shot through your veins as you leapt towards him.

But as was to be expected, you had to pay a high price for your recklessness.

All at once, a jet of sharp ice shot out of his hands. The small storm hit you with full force, slashing your arms and face. The ground beneath your feet became a slippery slope and you lost your footing.

"Fuck me...?" you stumbled, surprised, the blade of the weapon dug into the ice and caught you in place. "Shit!"

Pathetic, he growled as his fingers wrapped around the rope and dragged you towards him.

Ice grew on his hands, sharp as blades and pointed as the teeth of a bloodthirsty bear.

Kicking your feet, you tried to free yourself, but the rope had wrapped itself around your hands and one leg. You were trapped.

All at once you found yourself directly underneath him. The coldness of his ice seemed to be reflected on his face.

Clenching your teeth, you squeezed your eyes shut to prepare for a blow. If he wanted to, your head would spread as mush on the floor.

Goosebumps spread all over your body. Everything in you was preparing for a painful death.

His shadow fell over you. Ice licked your face.

"Please be quick!", you mumbled.

"Weaklings deserve no mercy.", he replied.

Pointed crystals sprouted from the ground. They dug into your flesh. Thin layers of your blood covered their tips.

"Bi-Han!" a male voice suddenly cut through the tension that had settled over your heart. "Enough."

As if struck by lightning, the man above you froze. So his name was Bi-Han. A fine name for a warrior of the best class.

Together, both your gaze and his wandered upwards. Your heart was pounding in your throat. Nausea spread through your stomach.

"Another one?", you gasped exhaustedly and rolled your eyes.

A third man had appeared in the doorway. His brow furrowed, his tattooed arms crossed in front of his chest, he looked down at the man above you.

"You should test, not destroy.", he said, a slight accent in his wisely chosen words.

"This one is not worthy.", all at once Bi-Han let go of you, so roughly that you could feel a sharp pain in your back.

"That's not your decision to make, brother.", the man in yellow replied, reaching out a hand to help you.

Wasted, you lift a finger to give yourself time to think.

"What the... one second...", you gasped. "What the hell is going on?"

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