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A strange kind of tension was in the air as Reiko came to a stand to stare down Raiden.

"I molded him into the perfect soldier.", General Shao sounded more than just pleased about the fruit of his work as he spoke about the man.

With a scoff of his nose, Reiko raised his chin and bared his teeth.

Unimpressed, maybe even a little confused by his show off, Raiden frowned. His gaze jumped over to Kung Lao. He just shrugged and did a gesture.

It seemed like everyone in your team was convinced that this wasn't a worthy opponent for Raiden. Especially not since he now owned an ancient artefact that was crafted by the Elder Gods.

Small lightnings danced between his fingers as Raiden returned his attention to his opponent.

"In whose army have you served?", Reiko asked, his lips curling in a dismissive manner. "In what wars have you fought?"

"I have done neither.", you felt a little wave of pride as Raiden answer, so calm and unmoved that it made Reiko pull a face.

"Then you are woefully unprepared, Earthrealmer. This will be your last battlefield."

A gong sounded.

People fell silent. Only small mutters remained, whispers and gazes that seemed to figure out who would leave this fight a winner.

"You think he'll make it?", Johnny asked and handed you his phone again.

With a shrug, you did another recording.

"Our boy is more levelheaded.", you tilted the phone to get a good frame of how blue light danced across Raiden's arms. "But he's... more innocent?"

"You should not underestimate our Raiden.", Kung Lao pushed his head next to yours.

With his arms crossed and a smug grin on his lips he had his attention fully dedicated toward the fight. It was impressive how he managed to be so mature when it came to his life long friend.

After his defeat, Kung Lao had been the first to congratulate Raiden for his role as Earthrealm champion. Even though he was known for being a little full of himself he hadn't hesitated to support him.

That was a quality you appreciated in people. Greatly so.

The sound of a thunderbolt cut through the air as Raiden jumped at his opponent.

Struck by the force, Reiko stumbled back and almost crashed to the ground. With his teeth clenched he suffocated a sound of frustration and jumped aside to avoid a kick.

"I am not underestimating him.", you handed over the phone to Johnny. "I'm worried. Reiko seems..."

"Not fond of the rules.", Kenshi agreed with his usual stern look. "He fights raw."

"Ha! So do I, mister Yakuza.", Johnny scoffed.

With a roll of your eyes you nudged his shoulder.

Even though Kenshi was more one of the distant kind of people he was still likeable. Like that one friend who preferred to listen instead of contributing to the conversation.

He was calm and probably the one who had his emotions and ego in check the most.

"You fight like a bitch, Cage.", the swordsman replied with a snarl and turned to you. "I wonder what made you fall for him."

With a soft smile, you leaned back to look at Kenshi from the corner of your vision.

"Same that makes you secretly like him.", you wiggled your eyebrows.

"I don't."

"Suuuure. It's fine, Kenshi. You're allowed to show feelings here. We won't take your organs for it."

Groaning and screaming came from the stage. A thin layer of blood was scattered all over the white marble, staining the violett carpet.

Raiden knelt in front of Reiko. His face was painted with pain. His nose bled.

"Raiden..!", a whisper escaped Kung Lao.

"Patience.", Kenshi put a hand on his shoulder to hold him back. "He'll win this."

Your eyes narrowed.

Things didn't look good for Earthrelam's champion. Even though the fight only had begun a thin layer of sweat shimmered on Raiden's forehead already. His breath was unsteady.

He seemed distracted, probably thinking about how he could turn this around.

Even though he had not been raised with the expectations to succeed, Raiden did not deem failure an option. It was written all over his face, burned in his eyes.

He wanted to win. Even if it was just to prove a point to Kung Lao.

Groaning, he came back to his feet just before Reiko's punch could smash his skull between bones and marble tiles.

A shockwave made the floor below your feet tremble. Outworld's champions were of fine strength. A bit frightening, you had to admit.

But Raiden wasn't a born champion. He had been made. And maybe that would come back to haunt him.

Beads of sweat sailed to the ground.

Chewing on the bottom of your lip, you frowned and let your thoughts wander. Maybe it had been a bad decision to turn down the position of champion.

Through your choice you had put the burden on his shoulders instead. It didn't just disappear into thin air. All that had changed was the one to carry it.

A hint of guilt made something inside your chest pull together. Hands clenched into fists.

With a gasp, Raiden slapped his hands together.

Blue sparks of electricity chased at his opponent, embracing flesh and the leather fabric of his armour.

One quick step and Earthrealm's champion was gone. Only blue light remained that formed into the head of a Chinese dragon.

It chased at Reiko with full speed, tore him to the ground.

Gasps of surprise went through the crowd.

You could feel how the hairs in the back of your neck stood up straight while goosebumps chased up and down your arms.

Sucking in a sharp breath, Reiko crashed to the ground. Blood poured from his lips, covering his teeth with a thin layer of red.

"Enough!", empress Sindel's voice was enough to make Raiden freeze. "A match well fought. Eaethrealm wins."

The lightning that danced across Raiden's arms faded. A deep gasp escaped his lips, making his body relax.

Not skipping a beat you rushed forward. And your intuition hasn't deceived you.

With a groan, Raiden fell into your arms as exhaustion struck him down.

"Raiden!", Kung Lao rushed to his side.

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