Thirty-Eight (Smut)

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With a wink, your hand stroked along his chin, soft and freshly shaved. Without taking your eyes off him, you stepped further and further back into the room.

Purple fabric wrapped around your body, the curtains seemed to be trying to welcome you.

Teasingly, you reached under the edge of your shirt and lifted it up enough to show him part of your bare stomach. Silver moonlight kissed your (S/C) skin.

His lips curled. He swallowed visibly. The sight was enough to snap Johnny out of his stupor.

But he was in no hurry. Instead, he followed you at a small distance, watching your every move.

You kicked off your shoes and the cold, polished marble floor nestled against the soles of your feet. Next, you pulled your top over your head.

You stopped, a soft smirk on your lips, and allowed him to look at you for a very long moment.

Again, Johnny had to swallow hard and bit his lips. His fingers twitched as he took a quick step towards you.

Chuckling, you held him at arm's length and slipped out of your trousers. Now only your underwear was left.

As if he had been struck by lightning, he froze. His breathing was heavy, his chest moving so clearly that it seemed as if the sight of you was taking his breath away.

Not taking his eyes off your bare skin, his fingers began to fiddle with the buttons on his shirt. He was so ambitious to undress that a button snapped off.

It fell to the floor with a soft clink and rolled away. The shadows swallowed it up.

But he didn't care.

A muffled sound of rustling fabric filled the silence as his shoes, trousers and shirt fell to the marble. Now he too was only covered by his underwear. A watch with a leather strap shone on his wrist.

Curious, you tilted your head, the silky curtains wrapped around your nakedness, to take in all of him.

It was no wonder that he looked good. So good that even the moon and the stars couldn't reveal a flaw. Every single muscle stood out with perfection. He had a six pack, clearly visible and defined from all the stunts he took on himself in his films.

Even though his choice of emphasising clothing had already indicated it before, you could now see that he had incredibly broad shoulders and a dominant back.

"You can see more of it.", his eyes were suffused with a dark shimmer as he looked at you through raised eyebrows.

His thumb slipped under the hem of his boxers and pushed it down a little further. There was a V shape stretching down from his lowest stomach down.

It was only at this moment that you realised how clearly the veins were visible under his pale skin, running down his wiry forearm.

One look was enough and you could feel the warmth spreading between your legs. Your entrance twitched and a soft whimper caught in your throat.

He grinned with satisfaction.

"Come on, kitty.", he called you to him with two fingers. "I'll take good care of you."

You didn't even think about it. Your legs carried you over to him just like that. Before you knew it, your arms were wrapped around his neck and his lips were on yours. Warm tongues entwined.

Although it wasn't particularly hot or cold, Johnny's body seemed to be on fire. You found yourself trying to press every single inch of your body against his bare skin.

His hands travelled down your sides, over your thighs and finally to the back to grab your ass.

Surprised, you gasped into his mouth. It wasn't painful, but it was rougher than before.

Amused, he smirked against your lips.

"Jonathan Carlton seems less of a gentleman than Mr Cage.", you noted, your breath tickling his ear.

Clenching his teeth, he let out a growl and pressed himself further against you.

"Jonathan Carlton is a little whore for you.", without warning he shifted his weight and lifted you into the air.

Struck by surprise, you wrapped your legs around his torso and pressed your chest against his.

Smirking with satisfaction, he took a few steps across the room and then let you fall backwards.

You squeaked in surprise. But you landed on a soft mattress. Sheets of blue silk clung to your skin. Silver embroidery warped as your hands clawed into it.

Johnny's hands were immediately on your body again. His fingers played with your nipples before he took the liberty of running his tongue down your neck until he reached them.

The warmth of his tongue mingled with the temperature of the evening and sent goose bumps all over your body. With a deep sigh, you stretched out towards him, your back arching.

Suddenly you could feel his fingers at your entrance. You weren't particularly experienced and if you were, you wouldn't have described yourself as a good lover. But at that moment, as unexpected as it was, you didn't flinch or ask him to wait.

Instead, your body took control and moved towards him. He was gentle and patient. When the first finger entered you, he could feel you tense up underneath him. He waited until it passed. Then he lifted his lips to your ear.

"Relax, hunny bee.", his voice was heavy with lust. "I would never hurt you."

You snorted in amusement.

"I wouldn't have assumed that either.", you returned in a sweet voice. "But the whole thing is a bit... dry."

You surprised him again when you reached between his legs to squeeze his cock. This time, however, you pulled his pants out of the way.

His cock jumped up in anticipation. The tip was already slightly damp and coated with a shiny layer.

His mouth opened as you lay on your stomach in front of him in bed, but the words caught in his throat as soon as your warm mouth closed around him.

His eyes immediately fell shut. With his head leaned back, he pushed his hips forward and let out a deep moan. His hand slipped into the back of your head, fingers entangled in your (H/C) hair to limit your influence.

The tip of his cock bumped against the back of your throat. It tasted slightly salty.

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