2 - always late

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Chapter 2 - always late

—————— 2 ——————

"Sunoo hyung!" He hears a familiar voice in the hallway. "Wait up!" A tired Jungwon calls, and he eventually reaches Sunoo.

"Let's go together ", he says, still out of breath.

They head to the cafeteria, where Sunoo and his friends have been sitting since last week.

"Hey guys, we're a little late sorry", Sunoo pouts, and quickly sits down. Jungwon sits down next to him, and starts eating his food.

S: He's sitting next to me again...

Sunoo thinks, and a smile appears on his face.

"What are you thinking about that makes you smile so much Sunoo?" Heeseung asks with a smirk on his face.

"Huh? Oh, I-It's nothing", Sunoo replies nervously, as a red color appears on his ears.

"Jungwon! Have you found the owner yet?" Jake excitingly asks.

"Jeez Jake, you're so invested in this!" Jungwon answers while rollling his eyes.

"Owner of what?" Ni-ki asks.

"You don't know? Jungwon got this love letter, and usually he throws them away, but this one he read, and even kept it!" Jake almost yells.

"And you don't know the owner?"

"No, it was just an unfamiliar signature, it was a hea-"

"Football practice is today guys, did everyone remember?" Heeseung suddenly interrupts.

"Yeah..." The boys answer confused.

"So, Sunoo, why don't you try to play, we're low on players", Heeseung asks, to change the subject. He knows who the signature belongs to after all.

"Me?! Oh no, I'm horrible at sports", Sunoo replies nervously, not expecting that question.

"I agree with Heeseung. In physical education the other day, you were really good!" Jungwon says, making Sunoo embarrassed.

S: He thought I was good...

Sunoo smiles.

"Yeah... But I don't have any clothes with me though", Sunoo pouts.

"Thats okay, I have an extra set in my locker!" Jungwon says.

"Okay then, I'll try. But again, I'm horrible at sports", Sunoo says, followed by a laugh.

—————— 2 ——————

School is over, and Jungwon and Sunoo just finished their math lesson.

"Sunoo, wait up", the teacher says.


"Could you bring these to the principal for me? I need to go somewhere and I can't be late", he says, as he gives Sunoo a big pile of folders.

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