5 - Halloween Party

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Chapter 5 - Halloween Party

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Jay rushes to the door after hearing the door bell ring three times in 10 seconds.

"You're here already? It's a little early..." Jay says, and lets Heeseung, Jake, Jungwon and Sunghoon inside.

"What do you mean early?! We need to decorate! It's halloween! And I also need to change into my costume!" Heeseung yells, and drops a big bag with decoration on the ground.

"Halloween is in 5 days"

"Well it's a Halloween party, so we need Halloween decorations"

They begin taking things out of the bag, and starts decorating.

Jungwon sits down and texts Sunoo.

Jungwon sits down and texts Sunoo

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Jungwon gets a little embarrassed because Sunoo figured out he sent him an old selfie, but quickly forgets about it and joins the others

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Jungwon gets a little embarrassed because Sunoo figured out he sent him an old selfie, but quickly forgets about it and joins the others.

They finish decorating, and sees what lies in the bottom of the bag.

"Seriously Hee? You're an alcoholic!" Jake says, and pulls one of the bottles out.

"Oh come on, I was going to share with my best friend", Heeseung replies, and Jake suddenly looks very happy.

"Well then it's fine!"

They walk over to the bathroom to get ready.

"Here", Jake says, and gives Jungwon a headband with cat ears on.

"I'm not wearing that Jake!" Jungwon protests.

"Aw, come on, I brought one for Sunoo too..."

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