6 - Rumours

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Chapter 6 - Rumours

—————— 6 ——————

"What ice cream do you want?", Sunoo asks, as him and Jungwon is on their way to the convenience to buy ice cream.

"I'm not sure, but anything other than mint choco..." Jungwon teases.

"Hey! Stop hating on mint choco, it's not that bad", Sunoo pouts, as their hands keep brushing against each other.

"It's really bad hyung"

"You just have bad taste..." Sunoo mumbles, and grabs Jungwon's hand.

"You have soft hands", Jungwon says, and locks their hands together.

Sunoo smiles, and walks closer to the younger.

They arrive at the store, and Jungwon pulls Sunoo inside. They find the ice cream they want, and the cashier happily scans them as Jungwon finds his card.

He pays, and they get their ice creams before they walk out.

"I could have paid for myself..." Sunoo pouts.

"But I wanted to pay for you", Jungwon replies.

They eat their ice cream, and talk for a while.

"Won, you know the love letter... It's not actually a love letter, it's a poem", Sunoo says.

"Well, you're really good at writing them, it's a good poem", Jungwon replies.

"So, you like it?"

"Yeah" Jungwon smiles, and grabs his hand.

Sunoo smiles, and his ears turn red.

S: Does he like me back? I'm too shy to ask, but I hope he does.

"Are you free on Thursday?" Jungwon asks.

"Yes, why?"

"Let's go to a cat cafe", Jungwon replies.

Sunoo smiles, and squeezes the younger's hand.

"I'll follow you home hyung", Jungwon says, as they walk towards Sunoo's house.

"You don't have to, your house is closer"

"But I want to"

"Okay", Sunoo smiles.

They arrive in front of Sunoo's house, and before Jungwon can walk away, Sunoo grabs his hand and pulls him back.

"What is it?" Jungwon asks confused.

Without replying, Sunoo embraces Jungwon in a warm hug, and Jungwon hugs him back.

"I want to give you something", Sunoo says.

"What?" Jungwon replies.

"Here", Sunoo smiles, and gives Jungwon a key. "You can visit me whenever you want now"

Jungwon smiles, and bends down to kiss the older's cheek.

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