XXXII. 5 Years Full of Challenges & Changes

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One wise man once said that Blood spilt on a Wedding Day is an omen, for years of bad luck in the marriage. While not many would and did believe in anyone's random crazy talks, they could not deny that some things were based on reality or would at least prove they were real.

Rhaenyra's wedding to Laenor was not the joyous event many had imagined. Not only did the young squire Joffrey die at the hands of Ser Cole but the King himself had collapsed just as the vows were exchanged.

Few witnessed this moment of weakness as maesters rushed to assist and check upon the King. In the end, they had no true cause of his fainting spell but they did force him into extended bed rest.

Weak and exhausted, King Viserys did not fight them and instead accepted the poppy milk they often gave him so he could sleep better. Now that was when problems started to arise.

Daemon had vowed to persuade his brother into letting him marry Naelys but now due to his condition, he could not take his blessing. At the same time, the Dragon Whisperer felt guilty for forcing the already sick and tortured man to accept the proposal.

The last drop fell once the King, while weakened, wished to continue with the marriage between Naelys and Ser Strong. With not knowing if the King would recover, the two of them agreed to honour his wish; much to Daemon's dismay.

Feeling angered by the events and above all, betrayed, he spent one last night with Naelys and then left before she would awake by the lights of the following morning. This had let her feel guilty and hurt, knowing very well that she had ruined her only chance with him and she had no one truly to talk to about.

Laena and her family had already left and she did not bear to burden her sister, after already worrying about her father's condition. Instead, she remained silent and shed tears behind closed doors with only Alyria as her companion.

Not long after, she married Ser Harwin and her life turned differently that day.


For almost the first year, Ser Harwin and Naelys had been together and spent many of their nights in each other's company; similarly with Laenor and Rhaenyra.

However, both couples found that despite their many efforts; it was simply not working. There was not this passion that helped them truly enjoy the night, let alone allow the two women to bear any children.

Harwin was an excellent lover and tried his best with Naelys but no matter what, her body did not seem to react to his touches, kisses and mostly his attempts. For it was only a certain Targaryen that despite his sudden leave, still had a place in her heart; a place no one else could take.

Ultimately, the two of them stopped trying together but their friendship did not deteriorate. Instead, they remained close friends, who trained together, ate together and had random late-night walks when the weather was good.

At the same time, Laenor had been given the freedom by Rhaenyra to mess around with the squires and try his luck once again in Love. She did not mind, for slowly, she found her own chance in true love.

The Noble Knight and the Targaryen Heir seemed to click rather quickly, especially with his constant presence due to his marriage with Naelys. The Dragon Whisperer could see a flame between them but none dared to make a move, out of respect for her.

Remembering how she let duty and feelings of guilt ruin her own chance of being happy with the man she loved, she gave her blessings and her permission. As long as they were careful, they were free to love one another behind closed doors. 

She did not mind, for it eased the guilt that she could not offer Harwin the pleasures and love he deserved.

Her selfless choices when it came to her younger adopted sister, would not go unnoticed; however. For the Seven watched her daily as did the Old Valyrian Gods and they knew, she was destined for more.

Thus, her chance to be in love again came in the most unexpected way possible.


It has been 5 years since Naely's life changed dramatically and a lot of things have taken place. For starters, Queen Alicent had given birth to yet another boy less than a year after the marriage. Once again, the kid bore the pale platinum hair of the Targaryen and was named Aemond. Surprisingly, Alicent did not ask for Naelys to be by her side during birth like the other two times.

However, she did later accept her help in babysitting them when she needed it. Of course, the relations between them were rather cold, and formal; now feeling more like strangers than friends and family.

As for the boy, unlike his older brother, Aegon; an egg was not hatched when he was still in the cradle but Naelys knew there were more ways for one to bond with a Dragon.

In the span of 5 years, she had given up on love and allowed Harwin to secretly romance Rhaenyra; since at least one couple in the whole Red Keep deserved to be happy. However, despite her initial warnings; they were not the utmost careful.

Rhaenyra had given birth to two boys 2 & 3 years respectively, after her wedding to Ser Laenor. She and her cousin pretended they were their own kids but the brown hair both boys sported proved otherwise.

And yet, Naelys tried her best to deny any gossip that started to circle all around them. Many were quick to point fingers and throw accusations at them. Whether be that Ser Warwin was cheating on her with the Princess, her not being good enough in bed was what had forced her husband to cheat on her and so on.

Most of the rumours were handlable. Considering there was Baratheon blood mixed with the Targaryens from not so long ago, the brown hair could be justified but the crowd was not easily persuaded with such a small excuse.

With the King's health deteriorating dramatically, his body slowly rotting away; a lot of pressure and drama was taking place in the Red Keep. Occupied with both her nephews and her supposed half-siblings; Naelys was more confined behind those rock walls than ever before.

Only during the night, did she seem to gain some freedom. In her dreams, she found herself flying across King's Landing and even across the Endless Sea. With only the moon and the stars as her guide, she soared across the sky with immense speed.

The odd thing? That it was not her exactly, who was flying. Instead, on more than one occasion, she had glimpsed at her reflection in the waters below only to see Nissera instead. It was then, she would usually wake up at first but eventually; she found herself spending more and more time seeing the world through the eyes of her Dragon.

The most ironic part of all? Naelys was not sure that it was a dream exactly but rather..something more. The back of her mind had tales her mother used to tell her during their imprisonment and if that was not all, the Dragon Keepers informed her that often during the night; Nissera would just leave the Pits and go for random flying trips.

More and more things seemed to point in a certain direction but unfortunately for Naelys, there was no one with answers. Not even Aegon the Conqueror seemed to have any old scrolls about Dragons and Dragon Whisperers. Of course, that did not mean she stopped trying; on the contrary, it became her primal motivation.

Except for the dreams, there was one last thing that had helped keep her sanity in check; Laena. Her dear sweet cousin had married a Lord from Pentos Lord and stayed with him and Vhagar. A lot of letters were exchanged between the two girls and sometimes with her brother as well, but it was Naelys who had kept the most contact.

On a few occasions, she had the permission and chance to fly and visit her dear cousin; who had already bore two girls with her husband. A few days in her presence, endless hours of horse riding and a reminder of the good old times were what she needed to ensure she could return to the Red Keep with new Strenght to fight all the snakes lurking around.

The first ray of light and luck finally shining on her doomed fate came from one of Laena's letters, at the end of the 5th year. A letter asking her to come to visit again, requesting her help with Vhagar and the twin girls. Little did Naelys know, that her sneaky cousin had more in mind that she would ever let it be known in her letters.

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