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"Can we name her Eloise?" Mariah, my wife of two short years says softly, holding our baby girl in her arms. 

"Yes, my love." I whisper, putting my hand on her head gently, looking into our daughter's eyes. "Eloise is perfect." 

Our daughter lets out a yawn, after crying for the last few minutes. I feel my wife sigh, and release my hand from her head. "What is it?" I ask, noticing the lack of color in her face. 

She has gone completely still, clinging to Eloise for dear life. "Mariah?" I take our baby from her, putting her in the crib beside the bed. I go back to my wife, shaking her several times before I hear her take her last breath. My hands are on her shoulder, our faces inches from each other, as I watch the life leave her eyes. 

The midwife comes in, alerted by my screams probably, and puts her hand on my shoulder. "I'm so sorry Severus, she's gone." She pats me a few times before walking out of the room. 

I do nothing, say nothing, feel nothing. I lost Lilly, I've just lost Mariah too. I stand up and walk over to Eloise's crib, picking her sleeping body up softly. 

I'm not going to let anything happen to you, ever. 

I walk out of the room with her in my arms, and turn to the midwife. "Thank you for everything you tried to do." I bow my head to her and continue over to the desk. I move Eloise over to balance on on arm, and begin writing to my sister. 


I hope this finds you well. Mariah has just had a daughter, Eloise, and she is utterly perfect. Unfortunately, my wife didn't make it through delivery, and died shortly after naming our daughter. 

I have a favor to ask of you and I feel terrible for doing this, but I need your help. I cannot with sound mind raise Eloise at Hogwarts, but I can't leave my position there either. I know you and your husband have had a hard time having a child of your own- and while I know this is no perfect solution, I want to leave her with you until she is of age to come to Hogwarts. I will visit as much as possible, so she will never forget who I am, and I will fund her every desire, so you will never have to worry. 

If you don't want to do this, I understand. Just let me know as soon as possible, I fear this might be my only option.

All of my love,


I folded my letter quickly, sealing it in an envelope and scribbling the address just as fast. I send it off with the owl and sigh, leaning back in the chair.

My Eloise makes a sound, and starts crying a little. I do everything I can to calm her down, but nothing will work. Finally, the midwife comes over, and gives Eloise a bottle of milk. The look of pity in her eyes as she helps me with my daughter is a look that I fear will haunt me for the rest of my life. 

I am good enough. I will. prove myself. Eloise will grow up well. We will be fine. I cannot lose her too. 

Christmas break, four years later.

I stand at Sara's front door, arm up to knock. The door swings open, revealing my sweet Eloise. 

"Daddy!" She squeals, bringing a smile to my face. I scoop her into my arms, causing a fit of laughter to leave her. 

"Oh honey! I've missed you terribly." I squeeze her harder than I mean to, finally getting to hug her after months of being away. She groans a little, and I release her. "Sorry." 

Sara stands a few feet away, arms crossed and smiling wide. "Welcome home, brother." 

I walk to her, and pull her into a hug with Eloise still in my arms. "How's everything been?" I ask into her hair. 

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