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It's the week before Christmas break, and the whole school seems to be excited about it. Everywhere I go, kids are talking about their holiday plans, or lack of them. Even Malfoy is talking about all of the fun he's going to have on break. 

"Eloise, what are your plans for break?" Addie asks from beside me during breakfast. 

"I don't know. I think my father and I are going back to my Aunt Sara's house for the holidays, like we did before I started school." I sigh and play with the eggs on my plate. 

"Be sure you write to us once a week. We don't want to miss out on anything!" Sabrina chirps from Addie's other side. I laugh at her enthusiasm before eating again. 


Potions is my best class by far, and since I've been tutoring Malfoy, it's become more bearable too. He doesn't make as many snide comments towards me, or he at least waits until after the class is over. I think we're both afraid that my father will add more time to this little tutoring gig, and neither of us can stand the hour every Saturday we have to spend with each other. 

"Over the holiday, " My father starts in about this assignment we have to do over break, causing the whole class to groan in unison. "I expect you to write two parchments worth about Veritaserum. The research you do will help you to create the potion for our first class after break." 

"Couldn't you get your dad to be lenient?" Addie whispers from beside me. I shrug my shoulders in response. 

After my father's lecture, he dismissed everyone but Malfoy and myself. 

"Did you learn anything from my daughter?" My father asks, turning to Malfoy.

"I learned that while I find her annoying, she's useful when I get stuck." Malfoy admitted blankly. Was this an attempt at complimenting me? I scoff, causing my father to turn to me. 

"Did you learn anything, Eloise?" He asks, letting his frustration show. 

"I learned that I don't want to be a teacher." I speak low. 

"You know," My father starts, clearly ignoring my answer leans against his desk as he continues, "I think you two work well together. If you could stop bickering for more than five minutes, you'd see it too." Malfoy and I look at each other. Nothing has ever been a coipition between us, or I wouldn't have helped him with school as much as I have. "Malfoy, you may leave." My father motions for him to go, and he essentially runs out of the door. 

"Eloise." My father says my name like it pains him once the door has finally closed. 

"Yes?" I ask, looking down at my desk. 

"We won't be going home for break." He pauses and walks to my desk, "I have too much to do here." He grabs my hand, holding it very gently in his. 

"What? What about Aunt Sara? She's going to be alone this holiday?" I ask, sounding more like a whiny child than I mean to. 

"I wrote to her about it last week, it's going to be the easiest for us. She want's to hear from you, about your adventures so far. She misses you, Eloise." I let my face drop as tears well up in my eyes. 

"I want to see her. I want to see you outside of school. You're different here." I can barely speak while I try and contain the tears. "What does Dumbledore have you doing that's more important than us?" I ask, no longer worried about holding back the tears. 

He sighs as he squeezes my hand. "I'm keeping something protected. It's very important to Dumbledore and to everyone in the wizard world." He takes in a breath, like he can't decide if he should keep going. "There's a lot at stake here." He finishes and grabs my face, wiping away some of the tears streaming down it. "I'm doing this for you, Eloise." 

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