8- Eloise.

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Draco's apology has been floating around my head for days. We haven't spoken, but we've shared glances during our shared classes and meals. 

I've spent as much time as possible with Hermione, Harry, and Ron, trying to figure out how my dad is involved. 

Hermione beleives that he's helping the Headmaster, but Harry and Ron are convinced that he's the one trying to steal the stone. I don't know where I sit, but I know that no matter what, my dad is good. He has to be. 

"Alright, that's it. Tomorrow night we're going to go to the stone." Harry whispers to the three of us. 

"Are you sure?" I ask. 

"Yeah, but there's one problem." Hermione whispers back. 


"We need you to occupy your father. If he's behind all of this, then it will give us a better chance."

"And if he isn't?" I ask. 

"Then we'll deal with it as it comes." Ron is the one who answers this time. 

"Okay. I'm in." I whisper. "Tomorrow after dinner, I'll occupy him." I smile, thinking about how we sat in the common room on Christmas break. "I'll play piano all night, if I have to." I add.

"Oh, okay." Harry looks at me, like he's missed something. 

"My mom used to play, and when I play, it makes my dad really happy." I explain to the golden trio. 

I excuse myself, and start the trek back to the common room. Malfoy, of couse, is sitting outside of the room, with his head in his hands. 

"What's wrong?" I ask. 

"Nothing." He sighs. "I'm just worried about the exams." He admits. 

"Come on, I'll help you study." I smile and offer him my hand. He gets up on his own, and pushes past my hand as he mutters the door's password. 

The common room is full of students, most huddled into groups studying, since exams are only a few days away. 

"Snape, you don't have to help me." He stood at the bottom of the stairs. 

"I know, but I want to. It'll be like old times." I smile at him. 

"Fine. Let me get my stuff." He brushed passed me as he flew up the stairs. 

I found a table for us to work, and pulled my parchment and books out, ready to crush these exams. 

Malfoy slams the table as he sits down. "What's wrong?" I ask. 

"I surround myself with gits." He huffs. 

"Yeah?" I giggle. "I could've told you that." His eyes find mine, and there isn't any mallice there. He smiles and chuckles as he starts reading through his Transfiguration notes. 

"Humor me." He finally speaks once the common room clears out. "How are you so good at all of this?" He motions to the piles of books around us. 

"I don't know. My dad says that I take after my mom, who was the best in school, but maybe it's just luck?" I shrug. 

"I try so hard." He whispers. "My dad will kill me if I don't turn out one of the best, but this-" He motions around us again, "Is a lot." He admits. 

"It is a lot. You are smart. You're right behind me in the house, and I'm right behind Hermione. So, you are one of the best." I set my quill aside and folded my hands on my parchment. 

"I guess." He whispers. 

"How can I help?" I ask. 

"I- I don't know." He sighs. "Quiz me." He finally raises his gaze back to me. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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