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I know forcing Eloise and Malfoy to study together was a bad move, but it could show Malfoy that Eloise is a benefit to him. Madam Pomfrey is keeping me tied into conversation about one of the quidditch matches that she watched, and whatever injuries she's fixed because of the sport. 

I gaze around the room as desserts fill the table, trying to spot my sweet Eloise, maybe talking to her roommates. I'm quite pleased that she's made friends, and those girls are just as bright as her, and funny little things too. I can't find her at the Slytherin table, but I spot her friends with an open spot for her. Is she skipping dinner? I start to scoot my chair out and excuse myself, but there's a loud bang and the doors to the great hall have been shoved open, reveling Professor Quarrel. 

"Troll...Loose" He's panting, and stuttering like mad, "In the- s-sc-school!" He finishes his sentence, and immediately there is chaos. The students start screaming and rushing around the hall. 

Dumbledore booms over their screams and directs them to their common rooms, then ushers the professors to split up and find the troll. I walk with McGonagall swiftly through the lower levels of the school, wands at the ready. 

"Your daughter is exceptional!"She beams, breaking the horrible silence.

"I know, she's really something else." I scoff, smile forming on my lips. 

We make our way to the second floor, and immediately hear commotion in the girls bathroom. The other professors- including a conscious Quarrel join us as we enter the bathroom, finding the troll on the ground and Harry Potter and Ron Weasley standing over it. Behind them is Hermione Granger and- Eloise?? 

I jump over the troll and rush to Eloise, grabbing her shoulders and look into her eyes.

"What were you thinking?!" I plead with her, she's had to have gone mad. "Are you hurt?" She's covered in dirt and debris, it's stuck in her thick black hair, and her glasses have broken a little. 

"N-no I'm okay." She speaks up, pulling me into a tight hug. I hold her as close as I can for a moment before pulling away. I wipe her tears away with the pads of my thumbs before standing up, hugging her close to me. 

"You three with me. Now." McGonagall spits at the Gryffindors. I motion for Eloise to follow me before we walk past the professors. 

"I've got her." I speak low to Dumbledore, before passing Quarrel. Something is wrong with him, he's never had a stutter this bad, and there's a dark energy coming from him.

Eloise and I walk through the castle, into my office. I slam the door behind us as she sits in a chair in front of my desk. 

"What were you thinking?" I scold her, for the second time in my life. "You could've been hurt, or killed!" I raised my voice. "I could've lost you." I add, dropping my voice to a whisper. 

"I know. I was in there with Hermione before dinner, she passed me a crying mess and I was just talking to her. Once she calmed down and we were about to leave, the troll came in and we hid in a stall, and it just kept hitting the stalls down." She starts hyperventilating in front of me. Tears streaming down her face, glistening against her pale skin in the candlelight, "Harry and the other kid, Ron I think, came in and fought it off until it was dead."

"Stop, it's okay." I speak quietly, just above a whisper. I pull her into another hug, brushing some of the debris out of her hair. "Now go back to the dorms and shower, please?" I ask, standing up with her. 

"Okay." She starts to make her way to the door but turn around again, "I love you." 

"I love you too, sweetheart." I smile before waving her off. She's had a long day, and deserves a chance to cool off. 

She closes the door behind herself, leaving me in the office alone. I sigh, and sit back in my chair, pulling out a stack of parchment to read through. I open a drawer in my desk, pulling out a whiskey glass and a bottle of brandy, it's going to be a long night. 


It's been some time since I took Eloise from you, and I'm sorry. We're both awaiting Christmas break, she more than I. I'd like to say I've kept the word I made to you and kept her safe, but I'm not sure I can. The Malfoy boy, like you guessed, has been nothing but horrible to Eloise, and she's put up with it quite well. I've had her tutoring him since the first week, since he insulted both of us by accusing me of teaching her before the school year started. He is just like his father, which is pitiful. 

Then, just today, she skipped dinner to help a classmate who was crying. They found themselves in a bathroom- alone- when a troll, that was let into the school(still working to figure out who), came in and started bludgeoning them. The Potter kid and a friend of his ended up there and killed the troll but if they hadn't? I'm terrified to think of our sweet Eloise's fate. 

I have done everything in my power her entire life to protect her, and it was almost all for nothing. 

I have to grade essays now, but I promise I will write to you soon.

All my love, 


I take another heavy sip of the brandy before folding and addressing the letter, before making my way out of my office and to the owl infirmary. 

The walk is quiet, which is much appreciated after today's events. 

I send my letter off, then make my way back to the professor's wing, where I am greeted by Dumbledore. 

"Severus, can I have a moment?" He asks quietly, motioning to enter my chambers.

"Of course." This 'moment' throws me off, he shouldn't need anything, right? 

"Severus I need your help. The stone needs to be moved, and I want you to help with keeping it safe." He whispers as soon as the door is closed, "Not all staff know about it's whereabouts right now, so let's just keep this between us?" I nod, because I can't form any words. He wants me to help because the DADA professor isn't trusted. 

"Does this have anything to do with Quarrel?" I blurt the words out before I can even think about them. 

"Yes." He answers, leaving the room as quickly as he entered it. 

I sigh a breath I didn't know I was holding and sit down on my bed. Before I know what's happening, I'm laying with my eyes closed, drifting rapidly into sleep. 

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