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I'm sure everything is going fine at home. Tell Mother that I miss her terribly. I started classes today, most with the famous Potter. He has no wits about him, but everyone loves him. Professor Snape's daughter is in my year, in my house, and causing problems with me. I called her out for getting special treatment and her father is now making her tutor me. I hate her so much. She thinks she's better than me or something, I don't know what she's got that I don't have. 



Everything is fine at home, your mother is in hysterics without you. 

It sounds like you provoked Snape and his daughter- do not do it again. Snape is a friend of mine. I don't have to remind you about the reputation on the line here. There is no room for error. If you step out of line again, I'll bring you home instantly. 


Great. I have to deal with this shit then. That girl is not better than me. I'll attend these tutor sessions and learn her secret. I fold the letters up and stuff them in my robe pocket. Father sent my letter back with his, probably because he doesn't want to hear from me. I shake the image of my father from my head, pointing my wand at the common room door and muttering the password.

The door opens swiftly and I find Crabbe and Goyle sitting on the couch, eyes popping out of their heads as older girls walk by. I walk behind them, smacking them both harshly on the backs of their heads. 

"Idiots." I spit. They both turn to look at me. 

"Whats gotten into you?" Goyle mutters under his breath.

"That bloody girl is meeting me down here in twenty minutes." I roll my eyes and sit down, leaning back on the couch. "I want you guys gone. I want everyone gone." I sigh, sitting up right again. 

"Yes sir." Crabbe scoffs. I shoot my eyes up to his, sharpening my gaze like my father does. He immediately cowers beside me, looking back at the fire. 

We sit for a little bit, staring at the fire. There has been a pit growing in my stomach since Snape sicked his daughter on me last week, and tonight it's almost unbearable. I'm pulled out of my trance by a soft voice behind the couch. 

"Malfoy, are you sure you want to work in here?" She sounds so sweet, like a piece of candy that's going to rot your teeth. "There's a lot of commotion." She adds, shifting her weight between her feet. 

"This is where I said, isn't it?" I spit, turning my gaze from Crabbe to Goyle, signaling for them to leave. They get the message and stand up, walking towards our dorm. I turn to face Eloise, who is standing awkwardly behind the couch. "Well, come on then." I turn back around while she situates herself on the couch. 

"Is there something specific you want to start with? I was thinking we'd start with poti-" I cut her off with a scoff.

"I don't want to do any of this. Your father is doing this as punishment." I spit at her, rolling my eyes in the process. 

"Look." She sighs, setting her books on the couch between us, "I don't want to do this any more than you. Frankly, you've been nothing but rude to me since our first day." She continues, looking into the fire, "But, we can't get out of this. Trust me, I tried to talk to my father but he wouldn't listen so, let's just get this over with and move on. Please?" She finishes, grabbing the books again before looking at me and smiling faintly. 

"Fine." I scoff, turning to face her. 

After our hour of reading through the same potion, I'm ready to snap. "You aren't much of a teacher!" I yell in her face. She is just as frustrated with me and I know it. 

"This isn't even hard, Malfoy! Use your brain for five seconds and look!" She taps heavily on the book. I snatch the book from her hands, holding it tightly. I read through the recipe again and again, out loud even before it finally hits me. 

"I've got it!" I finally say, smiling widely. 

"Tell me what it is." She coaches, smiling at my triumph. 

"Your have to add the first two, let it boil with the crow's claw then add the tears!" I almost shout in the now empty common room. 

"Wrong!" She hold the word out in a sing song way, like she's enjoying this too much. 

"Bloody hell!" I yell, throwing the book across the room. Eloise cowers a little at my fit of rage. 

"You were close though."

"Will you just tell me?" I ask, scowling as I get off of the couch to retrieve the book. I reread the recipe again out loud, but can't figure out what I'm missing. "Please just tell me what I'm missing." I sit back down, my anger now turning into something else. 

"You do add the tears after boiling, but you need to split the amount of base A." She points to the page, "It says so right here." She looks up at me with a gleam in her eye.

"Ugh. I'm going to fail Snape's class." I sigh, closing the book. "How do you put up with him?" The words slip out before I can even stop them. She looks down at the fire, which is starting to die out. 

"He's never been anything like this to me, he's always been so kind and energetic. I'd never even seen him scowl or scoff until we got to school. I can see why people don't get along with him now." She sighs, standing up.

"Same time next week?" I ask, not saying anything about what she's said. 

"Yeah. Hopefully we can get to other things." She chuckles, and it sets me off.

"I'm not stupid." I spit, not looking in her direction. 

"I know you aren't."

"Don't laugh at me ever again, or I'll make you pay for it." I spit before stalking past her to the dorms. 

It's been weeks since our first tutoring session. Eloise and I have only spoken then, otherwise we do our best to avoid each other. I spend time studying in my room or walking around with my 'friends', though they cling to me for my status. 

Tonight is the Halloween celebration at dinner and the elves have gone all out. There are loads of meats and sides, and after we have absolutely stuffed ourselves, the main course turns into desserts. Crabbe and Goyle help themselves beside me, and so does Blaize Zabini, who is someone I'd consider a friend. 

I look around, noticing that almost everyone has begun eating cake or pie, disgusting pigs. I notice that Eloise and the Gyyffindor mud blood aren't here, but before I have any more time to think about it, Professor Quirell comes flying through the door screaming about a troll that got loose in the school. There is a moment of silence before the whole hall erupts in screams and panic. Dumbledore calms the students, sending us all to our common rooms. I look around the room again, doing the same thing as Snape from the Professor's tables: looking for Eloise. 

Before I have a chance to look around more, I'm shoved by other students and ultimately pushed towards the dungeons. I push the idea of her out of my head, assuming she made her way back to the common room already. I walk up to my room, where I'm greeted by Crabbe and Goyle, who are eating pieces of a cake that they stole during the commotion. I scoff and lay down on my bed, closing my eyes and drifting to sleep. 

a/n- do you guys like the perspective shift? I want to keep doing them for Snape and Eloise because they show a softer side of Snape and will eventually show a father daughter bond between them, but I thought it'd be fun to try Malfoy's as well. 

also, I plan on releasing once a week as bare minimum, but if I have more time to write then I'll be releasing more, it all depends on my job's schedule (I'm blue collar:'))))))) )

also teehee the chaos is about to unfold !!!

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