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After last night's events, I am terribly angry about waking up. I did, however, make a new friend. Hermione was walking and crying yesterday, and I was on the verge of crying myself so I stopped and talked to her. We sat in the bathroom crying to each other and giving each other some of the best advice I think I've ever heard. We promised to start studying together once a week in the library, since we're top of our class. Draco is not far behind, but with the way he acts during our tutoring sessions, I'm quite shocked. 

Addie shakes me awake, even though it's Saturday. "Come on Eloise, there's a quidditch match today and you have to come with us!" She squeals at the thought of it, which I don't understand. 

"Ugh not today, please." I beg to her, which is useless. She laughs and shakes her head. I finally stand, pushing my messy hair out of my face as I go to my dresser for clothes. I go with simple black jeans and an emerald sweater, because its going to definitely be cold today. I'm rushed into getting ready before I have time to grab my jacket, so I guess I'm out of luck there. The two of us rush down to the common room, where Sabrina and Emma, attached at the hip as always, are standing. 

"Merlin, it took you long enough." Sabrina giggles, motioning for us to hurry up. The four of us rush out of the door and into the hallway, which is empty. 

"Come on! We're going to be late!" Emma chirps, basically running to the stairs. 

We make our way the the match at what feels like the last second. As soon as we find our seats, the teams come flying through the air. I don't even have time to process who we're sitting around before the game starts. Our seeker and Cho stay at the top, waiting for the little golden orb. 

"I don't know how they even see the thing." I say, but my friends are all too captivated by the game to notice. 

"It takes training." Someone answers from beside me, but not the side my friends are sitting on. I look over and see Malfoy and his friends sitting right next to us. "I don't know how Potter managed to make the team, honestly." He spits the boy's name like it's an insult. 

"It's more than I can handle, for sure." I say, sensing the tension around Malfoy today. "Are you still on for tutoring tonight?" I ask, trying to change the subject. Our captain gains ten points for us, putting us ahead by twenty. 

"Um, sure." He says quietly. He gives me a very short smile before he turns back to the match, giving it his full attention. 

Some time into the match, Slytherin was up 80-40 and both team's seekers were racing around looking for the golden orb. I've lost interest in the match, never really finding anything to occupy me in it anyway. 

"Guys." I squeak, shaking my friends beside me, "I think I'm going to go study, maybe try to finish Snape's essay." I've tried to stop referring to him as 'my father', because he doesn't really feel like it while we're at school. 

"Oh, okay" Sabrina nods at me, "Are you able to get back on your own?" She adds before glancing back at the match, then back to me. 

"Uh, yeah. I'll be fine." I nod to her before she gives her full attention back to the match. I stand up and start to squeeze past Malfoy and his friends. 

"Merlin, Snape. Where are you even going?" Malfoy asks as he makes room for me to leave. 

"I'm going to work on some homework and try to study a little. Snape's essay is due Monday and I haven't gotten that far on it." I say, now trying to get past Crabbe and Goyle. 

"Do you mind if I come with you?" Draco asks, standing up as well. 

"If you want to. Don't you want to stay and watch the game?" I ask, making my way to the aisle. 

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