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My father got me to the train station and through the platform, which was not fun for me, before he had to get to the school. I make my way onto the train, alone, and pick an unoccupied cabin. 

I stare out of the window, waiting for the train to start moving, when I hear a sound coming from the cabin door. A young girl, maybe a year or two older than me was standing there. 

"Hello." She smiled, "Do you mind if I sit here?" She asks, pointing to the empty bench of seats. 

"Please, go ahead." I smile back. 

"Are you a first year?" She asks, sitting across from me. 

"Yeah, are you?" 

"No, I'm a second year in Ravenclaw." I smile, noticing her robes. "What's your name?" Her question throws me off. My dad said students don't like him and that he's hard on kids. Will she hate me if I tell her who I am?

"Eloise." I say, bringing my hand out to shake her's. Theres only one way to find out. "Eloise Snape." I finish. She smiles a little wider and shakes my hand. 

"I'm Cho Chang." She releases my hand and we begin a trail of endless conversations. She tells me that my dad is a great teacher, and she really enjoys his classes. We talk about everything until the train comes to a stop. 

"Let's wait a minute. It's going to be a stampede of kids trying to get off first." She warns me. I listen and wait back until the crowd thins, then make our way off. Cho and I say our goodbyes, hoping to see each other around soon.

A man escorts the first years into the school, giving us a quick tour of the grounds around us. My eyes gawk at the huge castle in front of us, with thick forest around it. We then meet a woman, Professor McGonagall. 

"Stay here, I'll come collect you when we're ready for the sorting ceremony." She sternly states, turning on her heels and walking away. In front of me, a blonde boy walks up to a brown haired boy with glasses. I can't hear much of their conversation, but I see the blonde boy scoff and walk back to his friends as McGonagall appears again. "Please follow me." She motions for the group to follow her, so we do. 

We walk into the great hall, where all of the other students were already seated. I spot Cho and wave at her, she smiles and waves back, shooting me a thumbs up before returning her attention to the front, where Professor Dumbledore was standing. He reiterated some rules for Filch and then sat back down while McGonagall was sorting kids. 

A girl with wild hair was sorted into Gryffindor, and so was a red headed boy after her. 

"Harry Potter." McGonagall boomed, causing the hall to erupt in hushed whispers. My father had once told me a story about him, how his parents had been killed by a bad man, and that he had to go live in the muggle world until he could come to school. 

Harry sat with the hat on his head for a few moments, while the hat was mumbling about his characteristics. Finally, the hat's booming voice spoke up, "Better be Gryffindor." The Gryffindor table erupts in applause and cheers. Everyone started shaking his hand and congratulating him. 

"Eloise Snape." McGonagall spoke over the whole hall. Everyone quickly went back to their hushed whispers. I look over to my father, who is seated with the other professors. He smiles slightly before putting his cold expression back on. I walk to the stool, feeling like I could vomit at any time. She places the hat on my head and it immediately perks up. 

"Oh? A Snape, haven't had one of you since your father-" It speaks very quietly, "You'd do wonders in Gryffindor, or Hufflepuff." The hat mumbles to itself for a second. "Follow your father's legacy. You need to be in Slytherin." I smile and let out the breath I didn't even know I was holding. I make my way over to the Slytherin table and am greeted with hand shakes and hugs. The blonde boy and his friends from earlier are soon placed here too. Once we're finally done with the starting, we start eating. 

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