Flight of the Valkyries

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I'm strapped into Merandüna's saddle. Apparently dragonborns don't usually ride with saddles though, unless they're learning.

'Rub him under the chin, then kick your heels together,' is what The Dragon Lord told me to do. I did this and Merandüna went flying. Like flying. Not wildly spinning and out of control. Actually flying. It was the most amazing experience I'd ever had. The wind blew the hair off my face. I told Merandüna to do a loop-da-loop. He did a loop-da-loop. After about ten minutes in the air, I saw something in the distance. I clicked my heels together and the giant flying lizard flew off in the direction of the dot in the sky. I heard a cry from bellow. The dragon lord was yelling for me to turn back. But Merandüna wouldn't turn around. I heard a roar, and the Mount of the dragon lord was behind me. Also, beside him where two smaller figures. I realised it was Maddy and Jones, probably riding on one of the field dragons. I go to ask him what they are, but then I realise I don't know what to call him. I decide to use sir.

'Um... Sir, what are those things?' I say, gesturing to the figures in the sky, that where gaining size every beat of

Merandüna's wings.

'Call me Deacon,' he said, as if reading my mind. 'Those are valkyries. Punishers of evil ghosts, and reapers of souls. They also work as assassins for the dark dragon'

'Who is that?' Jones asked. Maddy gave him a look.

'Don't you ever pay attention in history? The Dark Dragon was defeated many years ago by the first dragon lord. After that he swore that he would not die until he killed all dragonborns,'

'Correct Maddy,' said Deacon. 'They're here for Rowan. However, don't worry. A couple of valkyries don't stand a chance against a dragonborn, the dragon lord, and two soldiers.' They where now almost 100 metres away. There was a crackle of sorts and a ball of electricity flew past my head. Now they where within fifty metres range. They where large creatures, with the upper body of a woman and the lower body of a snake. On their back were horrible black scaly wings. Their bodies were a dark purple colour. Deacon threw a fire ball, and easily knocked the first one out of the sky. The other one came straight at me. Without realising, my hand went to Merandüna's mouth. I removed it and inside was a flame. I pushed my hand out wards and a wall of fire exploded between us. Although, this time, I felt in control. I flexed my fingers and the wall went further outwards. Eventually, the valkyirie gave up, and retreated into the patchwork ground bellow. Maddy and Jones stated at me. Deacon was muttering under his breath.

'Yes he's very powerful...prophecy... Apprentice... Dark Dragon...' I didn't hear the rest. 'Okay Rowan. Ill take you as my apprentice. You might be our last hope at defeating the dark dragon.' I look at him curiously. He continues. 'See many years ago, when the first dragon lord had been slain by a valkyrie. He lay on the ground, coughing up blood. His last words he spoke in a trance:'

'In a thousand years to come,

The dragonborn will become.

One that fights under a wall of flame

To make fiends run in fear of his fame.

To bring with him two allies strong.

To defeat dark dragon Throng.'

Deacon's eyes looked me up and down. 'This poem speaks of you. Only you can defeat The Dark Dragon, Rowan.'

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