The Ancient Abyss

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Here it is, the much awaited chapter five of 'Dragon Lord'! Deacon and Rowan have continued down the pit to the Anient Abyss in pursuit of Maddy and Jones. But what vile creatures and dangerous traps lurk in the cave? It all unravelles in the next two chapters of 'Dragon Lord'  

The wind ripped through my hair. 20 seconds. 25. 30. 35. 40. 45. 50. 55. A minute. We were still flying down the pit. 

'Deacon! Now would be a good time for a useless fact about this place!'

'Well, it stretches down for about 10,000 kilometres bellow the earths crust!'

'How long?' 

'Ten minutes at Merandüna's top speed!' 


'Yeah. And by the way, Merandüna's top speed is approximately 100 kilometres per second.' 

'Even better.' 

'At her current rate 10 kilometres per second we'll get to the bottom in about 45 minutes.'

'Hang on a second, what about Maddy and Jones? Would they still be falling?'

You're friends are more able than you think, Rowan.'


'Rowan, calm. You're friends are both able warriors with unique abilities of their own.' 


At the bottom of the pit was  a mound of massive diamonds (7 feet, to be exact) and they had to stop with a jolt to avoid hitting them. It was only then I realised how fast we'd had been going.

'10 kilimoetres per scond! wow!' I think aloud. 

'Get used to it. You'll be flying faster soon.'

There was a hastily made dirt track that led south, and it was littred with bunch of egg shaped creatures. Deacon wiped them all out with a flame from his finger, and told me they were these things called egg menaces. 'pretty harmless, sort of like mosquitoes. But when they come in big numbers, you see how big their teeth are.' 

'Mosquitos-Real like mosquitoes,' I say, amazed how there could be any likeliness between the two. They had about four legs and six arms and where the size of a full grown male's head. Then something happened. the ground beneath us split. The cavern roof collapsed. Then everything went black.

I get up, and brush the massive amount of dust off my shirt. Infront of me is a darkness. Behind me is a wall made of rocks. 

"Deacon! where are you?" I cried. No reply. "Deacon! Where are you?" I half didn't expect a response. None came. I had none but one choice. Into the darkness. I closed my eyes and flexed my fingers. I reached down, deep into my soul. Then it came. It errupted in my hand like the flare of a bomb! The flame danced and licked my hand, hardly lighting the room. I tried to make it bigger. No luck. I had had nada training and zilch practice with magic, and I was still very worn out from the fight with the valkyries. The small flame would have to do. 

I continued down the trail until I heard something. The small metalic 'clink' of chain. I leant down to investigate, lead by the grim light of the flame. It was hard to make out in the minimal light, but when I relised what it was, my heart skipped a beat. 

"This can't be good," I whisper to myself. 

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