chapter 10

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Elvis POV.

I stayed back, while everyone else unloaded. I thanked the pilot and made sure Everyone was off the plane, until the bathroom Door opened.

"Hi." Marilyn, walked out. Her blond hair in a tight bun. It was awkward.

"Look, I don't see why we have to make this awkward. We're both adults here." I said.

"Yeah, but. I have feelings for you Elvis, I know its wrong. I know. But I can't help it. "Marilyn sighed.

"You.... Have feelings for me? But your marrying Red!" I raised my voice.

"You, caused this. This didn't have to happen. Now I'm pregnant-" Marilyn stopped her self, covering her mouth.
"The.. baby isn't Red's." I slowly said. Marilyn shook her head.

"I wanted to tell you, I did. But I didn't know how. Plus Joy is gonna be heartbroken. I just...... I can't." Marilyn sobbed.

"Marilyn, you know none of this can happen. Your with Red, and your gonna stay with." I said a bit to harsh.
"Do you think I wanted this to happen! And it's not my fault!! You came in on me!" She cried.

"Look, I'm sorry this happen. I just lose control. And you can't tell Joy. "I warned Marilyn.

"Your crazy right! You think I'm not gonna tell my sister what you did!" Marilyn laughed.

"You better not, you didn't have to say yes!" I yelled.

"Elvis. Elvis. Elvis. You don't know what's coming your way." Marilyn grinned evilly.

Joy POV.

"I'll be back, I'm gonna check on Elvis." I told my mother. Right when I walked up by the plane, Marilyn came out with a smirk walking past me.

"Honey, what's taking so long." I pecked in. Elvis jumped up and took my hand. Elvis kissed my slow twice.

"Whats with you?" I giggle, Elvis kissed my neck repeatedly.

"Dont talk, I'm sorry for everything. Okay." Elvis mumbles lifting me up bridal styles.

"What did you do?" I smirked.

"I wanna make up for old times, I didn't treat you right. I want to make up for it. Right now." He whispers.

"On the beach!" I cried out.

"I don't care, I just want you." He replied.

"Come on love birds! Joy your coming shopping with us!!!" Pasty called.

"Sorry Mr. Presley." I giggled getting from his arms, he gave me a quick Kiss before I headed off.

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