Chapter 11 - Patrick's POV

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It's been about five hours, Pete has been with me the whole entire time and it's two am.

No one has told us anything. Also, barely any people are here. Its been uncomfortably silent.

The silence was broken from the squeaking of a nurses shoes. She was walking towards Willow's operating room.

She went in, that's weird. Shortly after other nurses started coming towards us.

I sat up, "What's going on?" A nurse stopped, "She is bleeding a lot and their may be a baby involved."

B-Baby. W-What?

"Oh, you didn't know?" Realizing I said that out loud, I shook my head.

She sighed, "I will try to keep you posted." I nodded and she went in.

Pete walked up behind me, "Wow, that's a lot to take in." No duh Pete.

I felt the tears roll down my cheeks and I fell to my knees.

Pete sat beside me and hugged me. I put my hands on my eyes and I kept crying.

I maybe a dad. I may loose my girlfriend. I may loose my girlfriend and my baby.

This isn't looking good. I eventually stood up and sat on the chair. I put my ear buds in and listened to Everlasting Light By: The Black Keys

Pete sighed, "I'm sorry Trick'." I sighed, "It's fine, if you want to go home you can."

He shrugged, "Ashlee would just yell at me so I'm good here."

I nodded and got lost in my music.

About an hour later, the nurse I talked to came out. I took out my headphones, "How is everything?"

She smiled, "She is going to be fine. She isn't pregnant. In an hour you can visit her."

I smiled and the nurse walked off.

I ran my fingers through my hair and Pete hugged me.

I started to laugh because I was happy. I can't believe this, she is ok. She is going to be ok!

I got out of Pete's grasp and twirled around. I ran down the hall way cheering. A nurse came out, "Sir, quiet down. Patients are trying to sleep."

I did a whisper cheer and Pete laughed. When I got back to Pete I yawned, "Is there any coffee here?"

Pete nodded, "Yeah, it's in the lobby. I got some when I went to the bathroom." I nodded and went to the lobby.

I looked around for the coffee pot. I found it and grabbed a cup. I poured myself a cup and made it just how I like it.

Two sugars, a splash of cream, and presto. Coffee.

As I started walking back. I heard squeaking shoes and saw Pete, "She's awake!" I smiled and jogged back to her room trying not to spill the coffee.

We went in and she looked at me. I smiled, "Baby!" She giggled croakily and I hugged her.

I took a sip of my coffee and sat by her bed, "I love you."

She smiled, "I love you too."

"How are you feeling?"

"Ok, my side hurts."

I nodded and Pete smiled, "You should appreciate this guy. He waited here for you for seven and a half hours."

She smiled and held my hand, "Really baby?"

I nodded, "Yeah, and it got tough."

She looked at her thumb, "W-Were there any, c-complications."

I itched the back of my head, "Yeah, you bleed a lot and they thought you were pregnant. You aren't don't worry."

She nodded, "Well, at least I'm ok." Something was bothering her and I knew what was.

They were going to give her prescriptions and pills. She doesn't like to take pills after what happened.

"How would you react if I was pregnant?" She asked.

Pete stepped out of the room and I shrugged, "I would totally support you and always be there. I mean it would be our baby. Don't get me wrong here I love kids it's just, I don't really want them now."

She nodded, "Sorry for asking such a drastic question. I just wanted to know."

She blinked tiredly and yawned. The doctor came in, "Ah, Willow, your awake." She nodded and I smiled.

"Well, we can give you tests tomorrow to see if you will be able to come home. For now, you should rest." She nodded and the doctor left.

She yawned again and I smiled, "Well my little flower. You should get to bed. You have a big day of tests tomorrow." She giggled and nodded, "I love you Trick'."

I smiled, "I love you too." I kissed her head and she turned on her side. I turned off the lights and closed the door.

Pete smiled, "She going to bed?"

I nodded, "Yeah, and your still here I thought you left."

He shook his head, "No, I just left because of the baby question." I nodded and we walked out of the hospital.

We said our good byes and I drove home.

When I got home, I immediately flopped on my bed and fell asleep.

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