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Fundy ran out of the hot springs wearing only a robe around himself.

He's here!

That's all he could've thought about, tears in his eyes panic running throughout his body. Schlatt is here, meaning his Bilocation powers have no limit. He ran down the long hallway barefoot holding his robe around himself to not expose the skin underneath, he was so frantic that he didn't even have time to put any boxers or clothes on.

All he wanted was getting out of that room.

Running down the hallway there were only two people that repeated in his head. His mom and dad.

Making it into the lobby he saw the man that helped him with his suitcase sitting on the couch, all by himself. It was a relief "SIR!!" He screams running over to him "SIR THIS IS SERIOUS!! YOU HAVE TO CALL THE COPS!!" He desperately begged but the man didn't move "HEY!!" Leaning over the couch "SIR PLEASE THERE'S A DEAD PERSON IN THE–"

He freezes watching half of his face slowly side down.

Eyes widened he takes a step back, staring at the worker as he watched his completely fall off of his face, like it was slashed right down the skull perfectly.

The man's face falls onto the floor splattering blood, making Fundy step away from the dead body "a-ah–" his chest rising up and down before running in terror screaming. He ran down another random hallway.

No way, this can't be!

Running and looking around for anybody he sees the staff room, running to the door in a hurry, slamming it open and to his horror blood was everywhere. It was a slaughter. The staff's body at the tables while their heads were completely cut off, left on the table with their bodies. Blood pooled underneath the table, still streaming off their lifeless bodies, paper all over the floor stained with their blood. The smell of iron filled the air and Fundy's nose to his horror, falling into his knees.

Oh god.

He knew it.

There was no escape from that bastard.

Looking at the desk over he sees a phone, stumbling onto his feet running over to it, picking the phone up immediately calling 911, but there was no line on the other side! Looking at the wire he followed where it was connected noticing the line had been cut. He became extremely anxious, his mom should have let him keep his phone on him. There's no way in hell he can call for help with all of the phones out.

Fundy walks out of the room and finds the kitchen door, hugging himself he goes inside and it is an even bigger blood bath than the staff room.

Looks like Schlatt had a field day here.

Slowly walking through the kitchen he could feel the warm blood on the bottom of his feet, looking over and gasping at how horrid the chiefs deaths were.

Mom…Dad…please still be alive.

Looking over at one chief he saw multiple knives stabbed into his face, from small knives to butchers knifes. He couldn't imagine the terror they went through, this couldn't have happened the moment he got here, this had to happen when he was asleep…oh no, Clay. Clay is still out there too. Shit. He must be terrified right about now.

Fundy gagged a bit seeing one chief with their organs completely sprawled out from her body and kept in place by using knives, her boobs completely cut off and her eyes gorged out.

I have to keep going, I have to get to mom and dad. Please be alive. Please.

Next to the sink were knives hung up on the wall, staring at them he furrows his brows and makes his way over to them. Grabbing the largest one. Looks like there were no more butchers knives, but hopefully this will protect him from Schlatt whenever he jumps him. Staring at the knife he grips the handle, he's going to get to his parents before that fucker does.

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