CH. 1 "Love a Lot" - Part I.

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■~ Chapter 1 ~■

Bluey and Bingo were playing in their playroom late in the morning.

"Look Bluey, I made a house for Floppy, the best stuffed toy!"

"That's very good Bingo. But I think it needs a little something."

"What is the little something it needs?"

"It needs a playground."

"Ooo, Okay!"

Bingo and Bluey made a grass patch next to Floppy's house with a few green legos. Then, they added some lego swing sets and slides.

"There we go Floppy," Bingo said giggled. "Now it's perfect!" Bluey exclaimed happily and then giggled.

"Girls, your Fairy Godmother Frisky is here!" Chilli shouted merrily. Bluey and Bingo let out a loud shriek in response to their mother's call and ran towards the front door, giggling along the way.

"Aunt Frisky!!!" Bluey and Bingo shouted excitedly and before jumping on Frisky for a cuddly hug. "Hey Girls!" Frisky cheerfully said.

"I wonder why you two call me your aunt, I'm just your mum's friend after all," Frisky told Bingo and Bluey.

"Well to me you are a sister," Chilli replied. "Awww, shucks," Frisky reacted.

Then, Frisky saw her reflection on a window. In just a few seconds, her thoughts were brought back to a few days ago.

"Bosco! Please!" a desperate Frisky shouted.

"Don't leave me!" she pleaded.

"I- I- I love you!" she added.

"Well, I don't." Bosco responded.

"B-But-," "I don't wanna hear it, Frisky. I don't want to be with you anymore. I'm leaving."

"But, why?" Frisky said with her voice trembling as she weakly got on her knees.

"Because you're killing the life out of me, Frisky."

"W-What? I never did that! I've loved you every single moment, every single day, every single night, every single second since I met you!"

"No, you didn't Frisky. You ruined me. I wish I never met you."

"W-What? No I did not!"

"Are you trying to trick me!? Hmph, you have some nerve, Frisky."

"Don't you remember how you would make me stay with you instead of with the people that actually cared about me? Or how you make those degrading comments to try and put me down all the time? Or how you're jealous of my sister?

"I never want to see your face again. I never want to hear your voice again. And I never want you to even dare look at me like YOU'RE the 'victim' in all of this."

Frisky stared at him, speechless.

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