CH. 2 "Windy" - Part I.

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■~ Chapter 2 ~■

It was the middle of the early afternoon, half an hour past one to be exact.

Frisky slowly opened her eyes, waking up from her slumber on her bedside desk.

"Hey Frisk!"
Someone called out.

"Huh?" Frisky reacted. "There you are! You're still asleep?" that someone inquisited. "I just woke up, Whisky," Frisky responded. "You've just woken up?" Whisky asked. "Yeah," Frisky answered, still groggy from last night's rest.

Whisky was disappointed. "For good grief Frisky, it's already past noon!" "Yeah, yeah, I know, Mrs. Obvious," Frisky teased. "Gosh, you're the worst sister ever," Whisky reacted and then rolled her eyes.

Whisky started shaking Frisky. "You should get up now, come onnn we have to go somewhere!" Frisky was confused, sleepy, and a bit annoyed. "What? What do you mean we're going somewhere? How did you even get into my house?"

Whisky continued shaking her sister. "You have a very useful set of spare keys under that pot you got back there, you know. Now come onnn, get up!" "Where are we even going?" Frisky asked, annoyed. "To the hills, but to get there you need to start walking, and to walk you need to get uuup," Whisky answered.

Frisky was even more confused. "Huh? and when did you say were going there?" Whisky rolled her eyes. "Right nowww." "Why do we even have to go there?" Frisky interrogated. "Because I want some sister time, okay? Now hurry uuup," Whisky stressed.

Frisky finally got up from her chair, with her eyes half asleep, her legs sleepy, and her fur messy.

"Okay, okay. But let me at least get ready," Frisky insisted. "Okay, fine. I'll just come back here when you're ready, okay?"

"Oh? Okay, I'll be ready by three," Frisky said. Whisky walked to the front door and waved goodbye. "Byeee," Frisky waved back.

The door closed once Whisky had gotten out. Frisky let out a loud yawn.

Then, Frisky started walking through the cozy space of her home. The afternoon sunshine casted a golden tint in the air as she continued to walk, and the whistle of the wind sneaked through the cracks on the windows and walls.

Once she closed the bathroom door, she looked at herself in her mirror, and she was brought back to a memory, from long ago.

A splash of cold water flowed off of Frisky's face on her bathroom sink. Then, she dried it off with a clean, dry towel.

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