CH. 3 "Make Me" - Part I.

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In a cafe by the street, the bells up above the entrance rang as the door was pushed open.

This broke the loud, yet calm early morning silence.

"Oh! Hey Frisky," greeted the waiter. "Good morning Alfie, or should I say good evening? Hehe," Frisky greeted back.

The waiter chuckled at Frisky's joke. "What are you doing here at this time?" Alfie, the waiter, asked. "Oh, I'm just early today, that's all," Frisky answered.

It was quarter to three in the morning, so it was quite an odd time to enter a cafe, even though the cafe was open all hours every day of every week.

Alfie smiled. "Oh really? have a seat..."

Earlier, before Frisky walked the fourteen blocks to the cafe, she was in her bedroom on Friday evening.

She fell asleep earlier than usual, half past seven to be exact, exhausted by the long work week, though less than usual, due to the eventful weekend prior wherein she went out with her friend Chilli and then her sister Whisky.

Then, at two in the morning, she was awoken by the wind whistling the chimes that hung on her window frame. She could no longer fall asleep as she thought about the letter she received from her past lover, Bosco, on Wednesday evening.

It was the Wednesday morning.

Bosco held a paper envelope with a piece of paper inside. It was closed with a strip of tape, and tainted with a few drops of tears, which now could no longer be seen after being dried out by the wind and absorbed by each millimeter of paper.

Bosco approached Whisky, who was heading to work, like she did every weekday.

Bosco gulped, a bit nervous. "Hey Whisky," he called for her attention. Whisky turned around to Bosco and gave him a curious look, with one of her eyebrows raised.

"Oh, hey there Bosco." Whisky looked at Bosco, not with an angry expression, to Bosco's relief. Instead, she gave him a look which demanded for him to explain himself.

"Good morning Whisky! Could you please pass this letter to Frisky?" Bosco requested, with a slight amount of nervousness, as he handed out the envelope.

"You can check what I wrote before giving it to her, if you would like to," Bosco added.

Whisky accepted the envelope from his hand. "Oh, sure." Whisky had a genuine smile on her face. Bosco was glad she wasn't mad, but he wondered how that was the case. Bosco did say some things that were not exactly loving to Frisky, Whisky's sister, after all.

"But, why don't you give it to Frisky yourself?" Whisky asked, with a curious smile, and once again, an eyebrow raised. "Oh, uh, well..." Bosco looked to the pavement, too embarrassed to make eye contact with Whisky. "...I just can't."

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