CH. 3 "Make Me" - Part II.

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"Oh... That's what I said..."
Frisky realized.

"Here's your water ma'am," Alfie approached. "Oh, thanks," Frisky replied.

Frisky twisted the cap open and started to drink from the bottle.

While she was drinking, she couldn't help but think of a million and one things.

"Why did I say that?"

"Did that hurt Bosco?"

"Of course it hurt him."

"What I said was true though!"

"No, what am I saying, that wasn't true at all."

"Will he forgive me?"

"No! He's the one who should be worrying about being forgiven by me!"

"Ughhh," Frisky groaned after finishing the bottle of water while softly face-palming herself.

"Woah, are you okay?" Alfie asked, dumbfounded. Frisky wiped her mouth with a piece of cloth. "Oh I'm perfectly okay, but maybe I'm not doing the best... Why do you ask?"

Alfie looked at Frisky with an eyebrow raised. "You just... drank all that water in one go." Frisky covered her mouth with her paws and blushed. "Oh, I didn't realize, hehe."

Alfie put his paws on his hips. "You're really... odd." Frisky put her paws down from covering her mouth and raised one of her eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

"Well, first you go here at three in the morning, then you order just a bottle of water, and then you drink it all in half a second!"

Frisky chuckled. "Well, I guess that is quite odd."

Then, the wind coming from the cafe's door blew a piece of paper off of Frisky's table and onto the floor.

Alfie picked up the paper. "Whoops, here you go ma'am." Frisky received the paper. "Thank you. Oh, and just call me Frisky." "Sure," Alfie smiled.

Then, Frisky's eyes centered on the words written on the piece of paper and Alfie noticed her smile turn into a less vibrant expression.

It was like Alfie's mother when she first found out that her son was switching to a nighttime shift. She wasn't really sad or disappointed, she was just... unsure.

But Frisky's expression, although similar, was different. Her worry felt far heavier, and sadness was painted all over her face.

Alfie smiled, concerned. "If I may ask, what is that paper?" Frisky's expression lightened up at Alfie's words, although she still seemed gloomy.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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