CH. 1 "Love a Lot" - Part II.

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"Oh wow! This smells amazing." Frisky complimented. "Why thank you Frisk. I put in an extra pinch of love for you three," Chilli replied. Bluey, Bingo, and Frisky giggled.

As the four started eating, Bingo said to Chilli, "Mom, why did this 'he' give Frisky something in her mind that makes her feel sad?" Chilli looked at Frisky, who looked back with an awkward smile.

"Well, sometimes kids, there are just people out there who make us feel sad. Sometimes they don't mean to, but maybe, some of them want to make us sad."

Bingo and Bluey started thinking about what their mom said. Chilli looked at Frisky and said "You know Frisk, I don't think it's your fault. Maybe, 'he' wants to make you sad," in a comforting tone.

"I don't know, Chilli. Well, maybe, I guess...

...No, it's my fault."

Frisky and Chilli looked at eachother, and Chilli gave a supportive smile. This made Frisky smile as well and feel much better.

The four continued eating their lunch, and they talked about just about everything. They talked about things like why does the grass smell like grass, to how good the coffee at the café is.

After lunch, Frisky was about to go home. Chilli, however, had other plans.

"Hey Frisky! Where do you think you're going?! Aren't you going to come with us to the beach?"

"Well, I have things to do-" "No you don't Frisky, I know you don't," Chilli cut Frisky's sentence off. Chilli then rolled her eyes.


"Please can you come with us Frisky?" Bingo said. "Pretty please?" Bluey added. They looked at Frisky with their adorable faces.

"Oh alright, I suppose I can spend a few more hours with you three," Frisky calmly relented. "Yippee!" Bluey and Bingo excitedly shouted. "I would love to spend a few more hours with you three," Frisky corrected, and they all giggled.

There they went, off to the beach.

"Down by the banks of the Hanky Panky,
Where the bull frogs jump from bank to banky,
With a hip, hop, hippity, hop,
Leap off a lily pad and go KERPLOP!
Down by the banks of the Hanky Panky,
Where the bull frogs jump from bank to banky,
With a flip, flop, flippity, flop,
Leap off a lily pad and go KERPLOP!
Down by the banks of the hanky panky
Where the bullfrogs jump from bank to banky
With an eeps, ipes, opes, ops,
Ee-sock-a-diddly and go KERPLOP!"

Chilli, Frisky, Bingo, and Bluey sang on the drive,

"Here we are," Chilli said as she parked their car by the beach.

"Yippee!" Bingo and Bluey shouted joyfully.

Out of the car they went, and Frisky followed behind.

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