[3.6] Woe is Me

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Word Count: 4808 words.



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You and Elizabeth stood on a hill near Hagrid's hut, watching Buckbeak from afar. Elizabeth is currently sobbing as these past few weeks she has gotten so close to the proud Hippogriff. You give her some pat on her back as she wipes her tears with her handkerchief, she kept cursing Draco under her breathe.

"Lucius frightened the Committee into it, I know he did." Elizabeth cries some more. "If only I didn't help, maybe he will not be so adamant to it."

"Hey, we put up a fight. A good one at that." You tried to comfort her.

"But we lost." She looks at you with puffy eyes. "Lucius is after me now, but I want to be free."

"Injustice won't last Lizzie. Trust me." You said some more, hoping you could've said something better. "You have done good keeping him silenced so far, we just have to push some more." You told Elizabeth the truth, recalling her brilliant talent of blackmailing. You didn't see it coming that someone so young could blackmail the haggler of Lucius Malfoy yet here she is silencing him.

"I should've played dirty. Maybe then, I could've saved Buckbeak." Elizabeth eyes widened but you stopped her from getting too far.

"This is Hagrid's affairs, we merely help."

"(Y/N)!" You heard Hermione's voice and turned around to find her running fast towards you. A second later, you almost fell tumbling down due to her tight embrace. "We lost..." She whispered in your arms; it was clear she is as sad as Elizabeth when it comes to Buckbeak demise.

"We did good." You whispered back and engulfed her in your arms.

"(Y/N)..." Harry greeted you with Ron on his left. Both eyes watch you with a touch of guilt and anxiety. As much as you want to be personal with them, today is Buckbeak's day.

"Glad to see you well Harry, you as well Ron." You nods followed by the boys.

☆ ☆ ☆

"S'all my fault. Got all tongue-tied. They was all sittin' there in black robes an' I kep' droppin' me notes and forgettin' all them dates yeh looked up fer me, Hermione. An' then Lucius Malfoy stood up an' said his bit, and the Committee jus' did exac'ly what he told 'em..."

"I'm afraid you have already lost even before you arrived in London. Blackmailing is one of Malfoy's expertise Hagrid, we reckon it's not your fault." You told Hagrid and he could only nod, staring at his tankard.

"There's still the appeal!" said Ron fiercely. "Don't give up yet, we're working on it!"

"Indeed." Elizabeth for the first time in her life agreed with Ron. "We just need to be louder. And don't worry Hagrid, I'll give it all of me this time."

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