[Bonus] Caught.

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Word Count: 3511 words.

This chapter is focused on romance happened behind the scenes of Prisoner of Azkaban; therefore, this filler is skippable.



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George Fabian Weasley is the twin brother of Fred Gideon Weasley. Known as the mischievous twin, Fred and George made Hogwarts colorful with their ideas the moment they took a step within the ground. Hunted down by Flitch and his cat is nothing too thrilling, and detention is another boring time, perfect to think about the next pranks. Pranking Flitch to Professor Snape made their range of menace known, everyone is a potential target.

A bright Monday morning strike another idea to Fred when he had sipped his morning tea, he wanted to start his second year with a big prank. Wanting to know if Ravenclaw would flock likes birds, Fred had an idea to prank the entire house, nothing personal of course for after all, mischief sees no innocent. Fred had only need to speak a single keyword to his twin, and with that single word George would understand exactly what he meant.

George was always somewhat the calmer one, he speaks less than Fred and would be in his shadow most of the times, Fred is a bit louder, a bit more extroverted and braver than George, it is why they are known as Fred and George and not George and Fred. Very rarely George would quip and second guessed their prank, and this is one of them.

"Don't you think we put a bit too much tempest?" George asked, mentioning the amount of Tempest in a bottle they strapped to the rope in front of Ravenclaw's dormitory door.

"Two won't be enough to send them flying wont it? The most they would do is to knock each other out." Fred whispers as they both hide, you can tell from his voice, he's starting to question it himself. "I'm not blind you know; pretty sure it says some winds." Fred added, more to himself.

And then bam! A Ravenclaw triggered the rope, and the tempest sent them flying backward into the door! The tempest still soar beyond the door as the victim screams of complete shock and confusion. A prefect can be heard screaming,

"Why is the door closed?"


Panic ensues among the usual calm bunch and their confusion greatly amuses Fred and George. The first year Ravenclaw knocked by the prank wasn't hurt at all but now are panicking. The first year could not think as he tried to answer the riddle. While the door waits for the correct answer, people inside is locked out, wondering why the door wouldn't budge.

While Fred and George laugh, a Ravenclaw girl swoop into the scene, flying with a broomstick from the open window and studies what has ensued. George stop laughing as Fred went on his knees, the girl as he known to be Erika (L/N) stares with flat expression. Without a doubt she would tell on the teacher, because the gust of wind made her skirt flying as she tried to tame it. Erika succeeds, putting an end to the chaos, but before she could speak, George and Fred were nowhere to be seen.

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