[4.1] A Small Concern Goes a Long Way

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Many things have changed ever since Sirius Black escaped his unfair imprisonment. For one, Sirius was finally reunited with his family and with the given chance, he became a father once more. Slowly but surely Sirius kept up with the present as Erika insist to have him back to his ideal state. Your sister would feed him, sometimes forced him if he's too lazy and nagged him to maintain his hygiene. Unfortunately for Erika, the moment Sirius is healthy, his inner youth would start to kick in and would often flee from home, coming back with various sweet and junk food he insists to indulge due to missing out. Just a month of this consistent behavior and Erika gave up.

Sirius, your father doesn't seem to mind having Elizabeth around. Although he knew what her mother did in the past, Sirius proclaim he's a much more mature man as he should be. Though your father has no problem with Elizabeth, there's nothing much both can relate to each other, so for most of the time, they just coexist, Sirius once says that Elizabeth really reminds him of Reginald, which was something much more touching the more he thinks about it.

Settling back with the (L/N) was something that Sirius greatly appreciated, but other than settling back to this moving manor, Sirius has been coming back to his old home from time to time. In 12 Grimmauld Place, Sirius often came back to tidy the abandoned house along with Pommy, Kreacher and Remus Lupin.

And speaking of Remus Lupin, the former werewolf is residing within Grimmauld Place at Sirius's wish (actually, he was forced) while making a name for himself as a private investigator. Remus uses a fake name to go around nowadays, but due to his, anonymous nature, good work and dedication, his fake name grew to become a respected persona. Elizabeth often learned something new from Remus's tale, both often chats as Lizzie would often seek for advice in regard to her ties with the Malfoy.

Nothing new really happened to you these past few weeks. While your magic has surely grown to be stronger than it has ever before, your senses grew more sensitive and delicate by the day in the price of getting stronger, so to make up for this, Austin and Erika trained your body to be more resilient and durable, your current goal is to have a solid physical body, one that can handle such power within your very existence.

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It was a bright morning when Erika had let you to rest and overslept. Waking up with a nest of a bed hair, you found Dionysus sleep on top of a pile of unread letters. You groan at this, Hermione must be freaking out, she wanted you to visit her, yet here you are forgetting about her letters due to training. Gently you set aside the now fat owl, you began to prioritize which letters must be replied first. Two of them can be considered very important, it was from Harry and Hermione.

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