Uninvited vistor (rushed)

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(Short summary: Julia comes over uninvited to find out mks sick, and now she's stuck trying to take care of her because she needs to tell mk something.)



Implied sh

Discussion about drugs (I think that counts)

Julia was driving over to MK's house. She needed to get something off her chest that was bugging her for months. She  opened her car door and pulled out her umbrella. Mk had a really small house compared to her other friends. Julia stood in front of Mks door. She knocked on the door, waiting for a response. Nobody showed up. She knocked again, but still nobody showed up."Mk, are you in their?"  Julia asked. She checked to see if the door was open, and for her surprise, it was.  Julia slowly opened the door to an empty living room. "Mk? I swear to fucking God you better be here."  Julia said. She entered the living room and looked around. "Mk I know you're broke as fuck but not this God dang broke." The living room only had a single couch and multiple cat toys. Julia bent down to grab one but was interrupted. A small white cat started to meow at her. She threw the toy for the cat to chase it. "MK, where the hell are you!?" Julia shouted. She heard footsteps coming right after she shouted. " Heeeyy Julia~ how have you been?" Mk said. She was still in her pajamas and looked like she just got back from death valley.

"Mk, are you high?"

"Am I what?"



"Oh my lord, Mk, where the hell did you even get weed?" Julia said as she started at Mk, who was leaning on the walls hallway. She looked like she was about to die from dehydration from how much she was sweating. She also had weird cuts all over her body.When she first met MK, she almost never wore any T-shirts and always wore a jacket no matter the weather. Some cuts still had blood stained on them, which raised concern on what happened before she came(not the writer projecting on mk-)  

"Relax Julia, im just a little sick," Mk said, trying to reassure her that she wasn't doing anything illegal yet. She straightened her back and bent down to pet the white cat. "I've seen you meet Stitches. Do you want some hot chocolate?" She picked up her cat and shoved them into Julias face. 

"Mk, what are you doing?

"Hold her."


Mk put Stitches into Julia's arms as she went to the kitchen. "Mk, what the fu -" The cat mowed at Julia before she could even finish her sentence. Julia sat down on the couch and waited.

Mk came back with a plate of cookies, a napkin, and a cup of hot chocolate. (Note:when I was going to upload the image,  my mom went into my room and yelled at because it was 9pm and threatened to take my internet access away, so if I'm not active, that's why.)

"Mk, are you feeling okay?"

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"Mk, are you feeling okay?"

"Yea, I'm just a bit sick, but I'm fiine~," then she passed out.

"Oh shit." Julia immediately stood up. How tf did Mk pass out? Julia panicked. She was never told what to do when something like this happens. "MK? MK???"  Julia looked around the room for a moment and then picked MK up. She carried Mk to her room, she was surprisingly quite light. Once she got to her room, she laid Mk on her bed. She looked around the house to see if there's any medication she could give to Mk. She successfully found some and went back to Mk. 

"Julia? Is that you?" 

"Yes Mk, you fucking passed out"

"Oh, sorry"

"Why are you apologizing?" Julia sat down by Mk. She unwrapped the medicine and started to pour it into the measuring cup. "You're sick, that's out of your control, I think," Julia gave the cup of medicine to mk. "Drink it. It's supposed to make you feel better." Julia stated. Mk drank the medicine as Julia said. 

"Why are you being so nice, Julia?"


"You're oddly nicer than usual,"

"What the fuck does that mean?"

"You know what the means Julia," 

Julia and mk started at each other for a while before Julia broke the silence.

"Mk, I have something to tell you..." Mk looked confused. Julia started at mk and finally confessed, "I like you, Mk. Their, I said it. Reject me so I could stop feeling this gross emotion,"

" Wait, really? Woah.. I like you too," mk stated as she looked back at Julia (how tf do you write confessions?) 

Julia held mks hand as she finished that sentence. "Does that mean we're dating?"  Mk nodded and smiled.

Idk how to write ending lmao

Anyway more doodles:

Anyway more doodles:

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