Td omori AU (SHORT, again)

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(I really need to give these chapters more serious names. Anyway, I made another AU, but it's an omori swap au,

For a basic rundown: Omori is a game about some guy whose sister died before their duet and is grieving over it after 4 years. He had a group of friends who represented the stages of grief. The game is how he's supposed to face the truth and tell his friends before he ends up moving. Check out the game itself or watch an explanation video to save 24 hours of gameplay.

The characters swaped are: Priya as Mari, Millie as Hero, Julia as Kel, Axel as Aubrey, Damien as Sunny, and Mk as Basil

Obviously spoilers:)

The photo album,

Mk held it in her hands. She hasn't seen Damien and her friends for years. The photo album was fully scribbled by Sharpie, all their memories, all photos of Priya. Gone. Mk started tearing up at the sight of it. Nobody was home at the time, so nobody would notice her. She wanted everything to stay the same. She wanted Priya to still be here. She wanted to hang out with the group. She wanted to see her friends again. She missed Julia the most,

Julia. She was the first person to welcome her into the group. She hanged out with her the most. But during the years, Julia started to make more friends and started to hang out less with her. Things didn't get better, Axel found the album and stopped being friends with her. Millie graduated early and is spending more time in college, and Damien just stopped appearing outside from his house. She didn't have anybody left. She collapsed on the floor and cried. She held the photo album tightly close to her chest, refusing to let go. Why her? Out of everybody else, why is it her? Why was she paying for Damiens' mistakes? A photo ended up slipping out. Mk opened her eyes and saw it was one of Julia. The photo was Mk and Julia hanging out in their hideout spot as usual, Mk had drawn a heart around Julia and had the usual writing under it..

'Me and Julia hanged out today! It was really quick, but I had an amazing time anyway, I hope we can still be friends when we're older!'

The photo didn't help one bit. Mk started crying more than before. Julia just left her. She adored her ever since they met, and now she means nothing to her. Mk quickly realized something. She was shocked she never realized this, but Mk had a crush on Julia. This couldn't be a girl loving another girl? That's outrageous! But the more she thought about it, the more it made sense. The feeling she got in her stomach near her wasn't normal. The way her day would get instantly better when Julia was around wasn't normal. Drawibg hearts on photos of her wasn't normal. Everything just made sense.

But that's wrong. She couldn't love another girl. She would be called a freak! Nobody really liked her, but if she revealed these feelings, it would get 10x worse! And worst of all Julia, she also would think she's a freak! Julia, the person she likes! No, she had to keep this a secret! Nobody should know, nobody! Mk quickly grabbed the photo and started looking through the album in search of others. After she was done, she quickly thought of how to hide them. She could burn them, which could cause concern and would lose the photos completely. She could put them into another album, but that would be too obvious and could get mistaken for her main one. Mk looked over to her bookshelf. That's it! She could hide the photos into a book she would ever read! Mk got up and looked at the books. She grabbed a looked called 'LAST PLACE ON EARTH: BOOK 2' and opened the book, quickly shoved the photos into it.

Now, nobody can ever know. Except her.

 Except her

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